Wednesday, April 15, 2020

One thing - intro

"one thing" series introduction,

The phrase "one thing", carries importance and understanding. This is my thought and the way I would like to expand upon it.  I found this phrase while studying Luke 10, as Jesus was ministering to Martha, many of you may know the story. But I found Jesus was not the only one to use this phrase.

David's one thing, see Psalms 27 verse 4, (King David)
Paul's one thing, see Philippines 3 verse13, ( The Apostle Paul)
Peter's one thing, see 2 Peter 3 verse 8, ( The Apostle Peter)
Jesus' one thing, see Luke 10 verse 42, (Our LORD)
First, we see the Old Testament Patriarch , David, a shepherd boy became King of Israel,  he went from the Shepard's pasture to the King's palace, but he knew GOD and followed Him. David shares with us "one thing", in one of his Psalms Chapter 27.

Secondly, we see The Apostle Paul, who was Saul, the High leader with the Pharisees, a brute to early church, he became blind when he saw Jesus on the Damascus road and then was blessing to the early church. Paul shares his "one thing", in the letter / book that he wrote to the Philippines in chapter 3.

Thirdly, we see The Apostle Peter, a fisherman, follower of Christ, leader of the Twelve disciples, also part of the Inner-three of disciples, he shares his "one thing", in Second Peter Chapter 3.

And then, Our LORD JESUS, a Prophet in our past, a Priest of our present time and our soon coming King in the future. He's resurrected one and intercessor of us, the believers. He shares His "one things, as Luke records this in Luke chapter 10.

As we go through these biblical, "one things", I hope it will be spiritually understood and that you will see the importance of each, one thing.
Personally, my "one thing", is for YOU to be saved, born again, become a child of GOD. Accept the LORD JESUS CHRIST as your LORD and Savior, believe in Him and call on Him, today.

May God bless you,

Rev Dan

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