Thursday, April 30, 2020

David's path of Life part 2

David's Path of Life, part two

Psalms 16: 7 - 9, 11

Hello ALL,

First we saw David's path of Life having counsel with GOD, see verse 7, but Secondly, we see David's path of life was set on a course, see verse 8

I have set the Lord always before me:because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

The word Set means to agree with, be or become like, level, resemble

So David had an agreed course with God in guidance. Alone with the sheep, holding a shepherds rod and staff. Later we David using a sling or sling shot, with smooth stones from the river. But this was enough to do his job and task, but most of all, GOD was with Him. He was speaking to David's heart and mind. 

But then, His agreed course was with God’s guard.  David would not be moved from the LORD His GOD. He was David's right hand of power. His experiences with GOD in his life was the defining life lessons. No doubt, it was a walk and a talk with GOD.

Then David's agreed course was in gladness to GOD, see verse 9.
David concluded he was glad in GOD. His gladness was an inward gladness and very personal. Then this inward gladness became an outward expression. He declared he could rest in His hope. An inward work usually leads to an outward expression and it can be seen in David's life.

There is a song that says, "He has made me glad and I will rejoice because his has made me glad."

Dear friend, is there gladness or sadness in your heart and mind??  On David's agreed course he found gladness from GOD.  You may find that too, if you call on GOD to be saved and become a child of GOD. As David was glad in his heart, see verse 9, you too may believe in your heart and be glad too.

I pray that you will ask, believe and call on GOD today.

Rev Dan

God bless you, please read part 3 and concluding part next time.

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