Wednesday, April 15, 2020

"One thing", part 2

"One thing", part 2

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus Phil 3:13-14, Here Paul is forgetting the past, looking to Jesus (apprehending) 
Secondly, we see The Apostle Paul, who was the mean unsaved Saul, who became a High leader with of the religious Pharisees, he was a big brute to the early Christian church, but then became blind when he saw the LORD Jesus on the Damascus road and then became a blessing to the early church, visiting them on his mission trips, leading many to Jesus and wrote many letters to them. Paul shares his "one thing" in this letter / book when he wrote to the Philippines in chapter 3.
Turning from his evil past with his sight on the LORD JESUS CHRIST. It made a new man out of him. 
The Apostle Paul's, "one thing" was Jesus Christ. Notice his decision, "forgetting those things which are behind".  He could say, "what I did on this earth for myself shall pass, but, what I do for JESUS shall last.  
Then, we see, his Direction was in light and in sight of JESUS. He said, "I'm reaching and pressing toward the mark".  No climbing up the religious ladder of his day. There was nothing to prove to fellow religious members. It was all about Jesus, as he mentioned in Romans Chapter Twelve, to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.
So Paul's, "one thing" involved the decision, direction and duty for the calling in Christ Jesus. When Jesus spoke to Paul, while on the Damascus road, it put a call of duty into his life that he would never forget.  And you may have that too.
Paul's one thing may become your one thing, the LORD JESUS CHRIST.  You are reading of a religious lost man, Paul, who was gloriously saved by Jesus Christ, why not call on Him today??
Trust in the LORD today, and see part 3 next time.
May GOD bless you,
Rev Dan

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