Saturday, October 26, 2013

6000th blog view

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,  unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages Eph. 3:20

Well, I have made it to another milestone with my blog, the 6000th view.  WOW, praise the Lord.  Am I making to much of this ??  Maybe not, my Lord keeps a record and perhaps I am being a blessing to my faithful readers.

I enjoy working by faith.  The Internet and the world wide web (www) is very similar to a radio signal going through out the land.  I just provide the message and I let God handle where it may go. It's like throwing out the seeds and hoping some will land on good ground and take root.

The bible teaches about the three grounds. (see Mark 4) Some seeds fell on hard ground and did not grow because there was no dept for the roots. Some fell among thorns and it was choked out. But some fell on good ground and God gave the increase. And isn't that's what it is all about, at least for me it is.  I can live with God taking what I do and using it for His name, honor and glory.

Let the praise be heard for Christ our King, who gave his life for all, Let the shouting now begin, let the song of victory swell, praising Christ through ages on, because He saved our soul from Hell.

God bless you friend, I am very happy today, I have to cut this blog a little short, perhaps I will more later. But thanks and I hope the blog is a Blessing and turns many to Christ.


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