Saturday, October 12, 2013

Musing 8-2-8

Romans 8:28

 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
One day this week, I carried my son to work where he is doing an internship.  As in the days of High school times, he wanted to have prayer time in the Ford F150 pickup truck.  We usually have prayer time while the truck warms up and windows defrost.  We have prayer and quote a bible verse. This particular morning I had him to quote Romans 8:28.  And then I thought about that verse the rest of the day.
First, I thought many times that many will miss-quote that verse.  For many will only quote only half of that verse for an excuse or justify something bad that has happened to them.  But an investigation of the verse says first "to them that love God"  a heart felt believing and trusting in God.  The love that a true believer has toward God.  Not mere head knowledge, but a heart knowledge too. 
Secondly, the bible says "to them who are the called".   Now many will confuse the call to service when God is calling them to salvation first.  I think it's very consistent in the bible and taught through out the bible. From Adam to Noah, from Abraham to Moses, From the disciples to Peter and Paul.  There was always a personal call to know Him first, then there was service. 
I believe in the three Calls. The call of salvation, the call of service and the call of separation or sanctification.  And many religions and many reason these in confusion.  For one to be saved, he then becomes a child of God.  But then he needs to separate worldly wisdom, words and ways out of his life and this is done through the word and the Holy Spirit.  Then you can serve Him, then you will understand what it's all about.  Saved, separated and then serve.  And wait for His second coming, but that's another blog post someday. :-)
But truly, I am glad that All things work together for good, but it's for those who love God and those who are called.  I can remember when He called me to salvation and I can remember when He called to service.  And daily He calls me through His word and Holy Spirit to be separated or sanctified. But He's still working on me, To make me what I outta be.   2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God and conformed to the image of his Son,
But dear friend, answer the call, God works at different times and in different ways to get your attention. So hear ye Him while He is near, Draw nigh to the Lord and He will draw nigh to you.
God Bless you,

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