Saturday, July 27, 2013

First things first

I try to not get to preachy in my blogs, but it's a fire burning in me.  In my daily devotions and Saturday readings, I came across a thought that was a great reminder to me and I would like to share it with you today.  "FIRST THINGS FIRST" 

Give the first moments of the day to the Lord. When you begin your day with God you allow Him to set the tone for the rest of the day. Someone has wisely stated, “If you don’t allow God to set the tone for your day, someone else will do it for you.”

Give the first day of the week to God. Sunday should be a time of worship and devotion to God and His house. Make it a priority to attend church and see if it doesn’t change the rest of your week.

Give your first fruits of your financial gain or receiving. It might determine how you are blessed again.  One preacher said you get to give, to get again to give again.  And only you can break that cycle when you become to greedy or lack of faith.

But what a great direction or path for your life.  Seek ye first Him. Give Him the first place.  Give Him first place in your faith, family and finances, also your time, talent and treasures.  :-)

It is easier said than done, but if you commit to Him, He will help you, He will lead you and guide you. I had not thought about this for a long time and now in my early mid 50s I want to focus on these things for me and my family.  Pray for us !!

But first and as always, you must be saved, you must be born again, accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  Call on Him while He is near. Jesus is just a pray away.  Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house !!



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