Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Ride

Many years ago, I was a Bi-vocational Pastor, meaning I had a regular secular job, to pay the bills, and I was Pastor of a small Baptist church.  (I could handle it better then, I was younger, in my early thirties) but I was a field service engineer working on computers traveling in my car to my service my customers.  One particular day, I was going to Blairsville Georgia from my home.  I had gone there several times and I took my familiar route, Ga. Hwy. 20 to 575 which turned into 515 to Blairsville.  Well, I got on the four lane road as I went my usual way and I decided I would pray for all the bi-vocational pastors that I knew, for I knew it very hard on a man with a family to have a regular job and pastor a church.  And men’s names and faces started coming  to my mind. One was a truck driver, another was a carpenter, another was a factory worker and others came to mind.  I was driving, but praying and calling their names out to the Lord.  Then, . .  the Spirit of the Lord filled that car.  A 1989 green Altima, became holy ground.  I was crying tears and calling on God.  The windows fogged up and I became very emotional in a happy way while driving up those mountains and hills on that road.  When I calmed down a little I did what any preacher might do, I called my wife, I wanted to share the experience with her.  Well, she was at her office at her school working away and people coming in and out.  I called her on the phone and I said, “Glory to God, He’s filled I car and I am shouting and crying!!”  I guess it was one of those, you had to be there moments,  but she said quietly, “well that’s good honey, just don’t wreck the car !!”
I would go that way many times, but I never had that same experience again.  I tried to pray and quote bible scriptures to myself, but it was never again like that day of the ride, when God through the spirit came into that car with me.
I think back on it and perhaps those preachers needed my prayers that day, maybe I was doing the right thing at the right time  and God smiled on me through the presence  of the Holy Spirit.  I will never forget it!! There was a trueness and holiness that I felt and I was glad that I was there with Him.
But dear friend, to get that close to Him you must first be saved, born again.  You must first accept Jesus into your heart .  Proverbs 3:5 says trust in Him will ALL your heart and do not lean on your understanding.  For with the heart man believes and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Brethren, please pray us.

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