Saturday, August 3, 2013

The bird and the breeze

The bird and the breeze

A few months ago life happened and my family could not be in two places at one time and it was Sunday.  Well I wanted my family to meet with the Lord, on the Lord's Day, so we had church in our living room before we headed out for the day.  I thought, well I am a preacher and my wife plays the piano, well we could have church at home today, I mean today, one day, this day only !! :-)

I read some scriptures and read a story from our daily bread, then we sung and had testimonies.  Wow, testifying in church is one thing but only with your family is another thing.  We were all touched by my wife, son and my testimony. We prayed and closed out the service and went our way.  I had to stop for gas for my car and while I was out pumping the gas a little bird flew by and landed on a telephone pole near me and I could hear him chirping. He was just singing away !!  And God spoke to my heart and mind, don't worry, it will be all right.  He did not wait nor wavier, he did what he could and chirped away.  And it was a blessing to me. I believe God sent the bird there at that moment.

Then one morning, while I was on my way to work.  I had  prayer time with God.  And I prayed about the usual things, faith, family and finances.  In that 20 minute time, me and Jesus had our own thing going !!  I pulled into the parking lot and as I open the door to grab my lunch bag, a cool gentle breeze blew by me.  God spoke to me again, it's Him.  The breeze let me know that everything was going to be all right. I believe God sent the breeze at that moment.

God using the birds and  breezes are nothing new to Him.  There many stories in the Bible.  Noah's bird, David's birds in the Psalms and Peter's bird in the gospels.  And breezes or wind, are lessons in OT and in John chapter 3.  He uses the birds and the breeze. 

The birds, are type of angels, that fly around doing the will of God.  No home to rest, totally trusting in God for provisions and protection. (see Matthew 6) Yet his eye is on the sparrow, . . . and I know He watches me. The breeze / wind speaks of his power and leading.  It's all in the book (bible)

But dear friend, praise be to his name, you can be saved, be born again, please, call on Him today. He will save you.  God is not willing that any should perish, but have eternal life.

May God bless you,
Rev DanSam

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