Saturday, January 12, 2013

You will be surprised

I got a little busy this week.  I now have four blogs that I support.  A sports blog, a diet blog, a work blog and this blog.  All are increasing numbers in views and is a great out let for me now.  I still do not understand everything about blogging, but I am letting them grow in views by theirself. . .
Anyway, while trying to remember what I was going to write about on this blog.  I heard a public service announcement (PSA) on the Internet radio listening to the Rick and Bubba weekend show.  It was about parenting and how to be a good Dad.  I could hear the boy's voice telling / asking his Dad did he remember when . . . and it was a thing that they did together and the son was very happy and was glad he was with his Dad.  Familiarly, the Dad did not remember but he was glad that he his son did remember and that he was able to be with his son.   The announcer came back on the air and said do the little things with your son and you will be glad for it later.  That's when God started working on my heart and mind.  For in the bible in the New Testament in the gospels, it talks how Jesus will tell us "well done, they good and faithful servant"  but it was ask when ?? when did we do this??  Jesus said when you have done this to the least of my brethren, you have done this to me. (I'm paraphrasing of course)  But we may not remember everything that we have done for the Lord, but my Lord keeps a record.  WE may not remember every thing nor do we understand all the little things that we do for Him, but we will be rewarded for it in heaven.  We will be surprised !!  Even if we give a cup of water in his name, my Lord keeps a record.

In the PSA the Dad was surprised what his son remembered but even more the Dad was glad he did and realized that it was a little thing that his son remembered the most.

But dear friend, before God can remember you, you first have to be saved, born again. Salvation is before service.  Salvation is before changing your life to do right.  First the Lord must come into your heart.  For with heart man believes unto salvation. The bible says trust in the Lord with all your heart. For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  Call on Him today.  :-)

God bless you,


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