Thursday, January 24, 2013

Food for thought

A mid-week blog, My son  came home from school today and said that he learned how to make scramble eggs today,  and I said that scramble eggs is the reason men will not go hungry, for even if you don't know how to cook anything else you can cook breakfast.   He thought it was a good saying and posted on facebook & twitter.  Of course, my egg saying, is very close to the "feed me a fish, teach me to fish" saying. (lol)  . . .  The egg is a great food.  A good source of protein and very filling.  It can be cooked many ways, fried, boiled, baked. and microwaved.  You can scramble, turnover or sunny side up.  For a quick hot breakfast sandwich, you can microwave an egg in a minute, depending on power setting, and add turkey sausage patty and cheese.  (I think I am getting hungry. :-)  All conveniently and good. So my son really learned,  Eat an egg now and you will hunger again, teach a me to cook an egg and I will eat for a life time.  :-/  (well, something like that)

The bible says let him that is  hungry come, and let him who is thirsty come. John 6:35
And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. Jesus said come unto me and I will give you rest.  He's a well of water and the bread of life for your hungry and thirsty soul.  Come to him today.  For whosoever shall call on the Lord shall be saved.
God Bless you friend,

Sunday, January 20, 2013

2000th blog view

Well we made it, the 2000th blog view.  A goal that I was hoping to reach and actually, it was reached at the first of the year.  Currently, I am at 2100, but what I am most amazed at is the different countries, from all over the world that are recording views of my blog.  I realize that it could be a quick view, but it is what it is.  I want to re-state my plan and purpose.  To be an encouragement to fellow Christians and to enlighten to lost to be saved.  To turn many unchurched and unbeliever to follow Christ.  And my Lord keeps a record and only in Heaven will I finally realize just how many were won to Christ and maybe how many Christians were helped.
So I want to say thank you for the time spent here at my blog (all the views) and I promise to stay faithful as I try to write and share with you.  There are more blog posts to write and some promised blogs that I need to follow up on.  You know, the ones where I say, "but that's another blog someday".  Perhaps, it will be sooner than later.  :-)

But dear friend, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path. proverbs 3:5-6

God Bless you,


The radio help

I love the radio. As a Baby Boomer, I was raised playing and listening to radios.  When I  got saved, I found it would be help and encouraged to me as I listened to many gospel stations in the Atlanta area.  One station was called the "Big Gun" 1010 on the AM radio dial.  A 50,000 watts a powerful station.  Early on and in the 1980s they had a great radio line up from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm.  One preacher after another.  It was a great time.  My lunch time was spent listening to a local preacher from Gainesville, Georgia, Brother Edgar, your radio pastor. :-)  Of course, there was a Dr. Green, Dr. McGhee, Dr. Slightler, Dr. Wiersbe, MacAuthur and Dr. Farwell.  It was as much as a part of my preaching education as was going to bible college.  It was just right for my young preacher boy ears.
At my home church, many years ago, I remembered my childhood friend's Dad, telling a story about listening to that radio station.  He was our song leader at one time and He would listen to Brother's Edgar's radio program while working at the General Motors plant in Doraville, Georgia.  The program would come on the air with a male soloist, Howard Jewels singing the first verse of song, Amazing Grace.  My friend's Dad got to listening to that song, and He was able to sing that song the same way as Brother Jewels did when coming on the air.  I made a connection with that, as in my mind I could see him listening to the radio program as he was working driving a service truck around the plant. And probably I was at a near by park listening to the same program on the radio during my lunch time.  It just warms my heart to remember that time of my life.

But friend, have you made that connection with God, are you tuned into his station.  Many have the Pods and personal listening devices, but they do not have antenna to Heaven.  Many have their own music and message, but are they connected to God?? My friend you can today.  Call on the Lord and He will save you and you can become a child of God.  We all may be creations of God, but we are NOT all children of God.  But notice, the great love of God, that he has given to you that you can be called The Children of God, see 1john 3:2.  For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord, shall be saved.

God Bless you,

(ps, don't forget, also, was  the radio program,"THE TRUCK DRIVER'S SPECIAL" with Brother Maze Jackson)  :-)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Three Rs secret for prayer

While taking my son to school this morning,  I remembered a daily  prayer that I prayed for him many years ago.  It was based on the three Rs of education. (Reading, wRiting, & aRithmetic)  I asked the Good Lord to help him with his reading, writing and arithmetic (math).  Then I took it to another level, and I ask the Lord touch his eyes that he could see, and this would help his reading.  Then I ask, touch his hand so that he can work, and this would help his writing.  (Pen & pencil or keyboard)  and then, touch his mind so that he can understand, which would help to add up things or calculate things.   I prayed,  Lord, touch his hands to work, touch his eyes to see, touch his mind to understand.  And to make myself clear, as if God did not already know,  help my son with his reading, writing and arithmetic.  Well, this was in middle school, and he made high grades and was a Star student.  Then I wanted to pray for my wife. I said Lord, touch her hands to work, touch eyes to see and touch her ears to hear, And I added help her with reading, writing and arithmetic.  And what do you think happened, but she got employee of the Year at the high school where she works.  Also, she  prayed for me, and I survived a layoff. WOW !!   And the three Rs prayer helped us.   Perhaps, reading speaks of being able understand and writing speaks of communicating with others and ourself and arithmetic (math) speaks of adding all things up together and isn't that somethings that we need in life. 
So I prayed that prayed for him that morning, as we had a prayer time, in my pickup truck, as I was taking him to high school.  But as God showed me, maybe, it's something we should pray daily for our own lives.  Try it out, and see what God will do for you.  Perhaps, I should expand more on this prayer in another blog??  Maybe break it down into three points as a discussion,  for I believe there is something there for us here.  :-)

But first dear friend, you must be saved, you must be born again. The bible says in Romans 10:13 for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

God Bless you,


(Also, the strangest thing, my son loves to write / type stories now, Hmmn, lol)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

You will be surprised

I got a little busy this week.  I now have four blogs that I support.  A sports blog, a diet blog, a work blog and this blog.  All are increasing numbers in views and is a great out let for me now.  I still do not understand everything about blogging, but I am letting them grow in views by theirself. . .
Anyway, while trying to remember what I was going to write about on this blog.  I heard a public service announcement (PSA) on the Internet radio listening to the Rick and Bubba weekend show.  It was about parenting and how to be a good Dad.  I could hear the boy's voice telling / asking his Dad did he remember when . . . and it was a thing that they did together and the son was very happy and was glad he was with his Dad.  Familiarly, the Dad did not remember but he was glad that he his son did remember and that he was able to be with his son.   The announcer came back on the air and said do the little things with your son and you will be glad for it later.  That's when God started working on my heart and mind.  For in the bible in the New Testament in the gospels, it talks how Jesus will tell us "well done, they good and faithful servant"  but it was ask when ?? when did we do this??  Jesus said when you have done this to the least of my brethren, you have done this to me. (I'm paraphrasing of course)  But we may not remember everything that we have done for the Lord, but my Lord keeps a record.  WE may not remember every thing nor do we understand all the little things that we do for Him, but we will be rewarded for it in heaven.  We will be surprised !!  Even if we give a cup of water in his name, my Lord keeps a record.

In the PSA the Dad was surprised what his son remembered but even more the Dad was glad he did and realized that it was a little thing that his son remembered the most.

But dear friend, before God can remember you, you first have to be saved, born again. Salvation is before service.  Salvation is before changing your life to do right.  First the Lord must come into your heart.  For with heart man believes unto salvation. The bible says trust in the Lord with all your heart. For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  Call on Him today.  :-)

God bless you,


Saturday, January 5, 2013

2013 some new year thoughts

While busy at work, God spoke to my heart and mind about some new things for 2013, the new year.  I thought I want to be that voice, have a vision and a new vigor for the new year. 

First,  I want to be a  voice for the Savior, if the rocks can cry out for God, so do I.  The bible says let the redeemed of the Lord say so !!  A voice crying in the wilderness.  I want to be sound for Him and I want to shout out for Him.  Blow the trumpet in Zion !!  A voice is personal, your sound.  A voice can be practical as you serve and a voice to be pleasing to Him.

Secondly, have new vision for Him this year.   In that vision, I want to see the goal and goals.  My goal is to serve, share and seek Him in this new year.  Oh bless his name !! It's about Him.  Serve Him in prayer, serve Him with purpose and Serve Him in His peace, that passed all understanding.  And share the gospel to a lost and dying world.  I want share his love, His labor and his life, hallelujah !!

Thirdly, I want to have a vigor for the Savior.  Sometimes, my strength gets little low.  This 50ish body of mine, gets a little slow.  BUT, the joy of the Lord is my strength.  Oh God, restore unto me the joy of thy salvation then I will teach / preach the transgressor thy ways,  praise-his- dear-name!!
(for me it's preaching)  Note: Good preaching has good teaching in it and good teaching will have good preaching in it, they go hand in hand.  I am about to get happy !!  I Rejoice in the Lord.  Praise the Lord !!  I love the Lord, down deep in my heart !!

But where are you dear friend,  where are you in this year??  For God loved the world that he gave his son to died for you.  GOD demonstrated His toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.  The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.  For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

God Bless you,

RevDanSam (with a voice, vision & vigor for the new year !! )

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Do Over year

Good bye 2012 and Hello 2013 !!  There's much going on in this Blogger's mind.  How can I express myself?? What should I share??  In the valley of decisions.  Not really. No one likes indecision.  But one could look at the next year as a do - over, restart, keep going year.   One of my best thoughts is from a football play that happened in 2005 with the UGA Bulldogs.  Georgia was in the red zone, that means within  the 20 yard line and they needed to score.  Well, our quarter back got sacked, tackle behind the line for loss yardage.  A offensive lineman let his defensive opponent beat him or got by him and he tackled our QB.  The lineman was so upset and kept apologizing, but the QB said, "THAT'S OK, JUST DO BETTER ON THE NEXT PLAY !!"  WOW, what a thought for life. Don't dwell on the past wrong just do right on the next play.

Perhaps this is what we should do next year. Like the Apostle Paul said, "forgetting those things which are behind, but press forward toward the mark"  A thought that is for work, sports and life.  I must admit, that there still could be consequence from a bad play.  But I like the thought just do better on the next play. Turn the jeers into cheers.  The bible says I can do all things through Christ. The good Lord can help you.

God bless you friend, let your light so shine among men so that they can see the good Lord's work.  And if you do not have the light, of you have not "seen the Light"  accept Him today, call on the name of the Lord and be saved.  Trust in the Lord with ALL you heart, and He shall direct your path.  He will direct your new year !!   :-)
