Thursday, February 27, 2020

My TWO Births

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2Cor. 5:17

Well, I celebrated my two births this month, natural and spiritual. My natural birth into this world and my new birth for heaven, I have been pardon from the past, power for the present & peace for the future.

You see, first, because of my belief and trust in LORD Jesus Christ, I have pardon from my past sins, I have been made justified though faith, by the righteous judge, Jesus Christ, my life's record is clean, and it appears in GOD's eyes as though I have never sinned.

Secondly, I have power for my present life, my everyday life, as child of GOD, I learn to walk in His way, words and wisdom, a powerful resource for the Child of GOD, for daily living, learning and loving others.

Thirdly, I have peace for the Future. While in this life, I have peace with GOD. Then for the next life I have an eternal home for the future, which is Heaven.  The bible says, And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Heb. 9:27
A peace that surpasses ALL human understanding.

Well, AMEN!! Glory to GOD !! Believed in the LORD Jesus Christ today.

It's personal for me
It's positional, I'm a child of God in and for Heaven
It's Promised, to me and those believe that's based on GOD' word, the bible.

May GOD the Father bless you, please call on His son name, JESUS.

Rev. Dan
(also visit older posts of this blog)


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