Monday, February 17, 2020

King David

King David

David's house
David's help
David's Home

It has been well documented in the Jewish (Israel's) history the lineage of King David. Jesus Christ is in the family and lineage of King David.  If you wonder about this see the book of Matthew, which clearly shows the lineage of Jesus going back to King David, which is consistent with secular history. The disciple Matthew connected it all together and he shows Jesus is the king of the Jews.

Yet David followed his GOD, the LORD GOD Jehovah.

David's house
Lord, I love the habitation of Your house And the place where Your glory dwells. Psa. 26:8
God's earthly house, GOD wanted to dwell among His people and He led the people of Israel to construct a tabernacle patterned after Moses' Tabernacle while they were in the wilderness. David loved the beauty, the brightness and boldness of the house. A place where GOD would meet Israel for atonement, prayer and fellowship. And David loved this house.

David's help
GOD helped David when he was a shepherd boy to protect his sheepfold from the loin and the bear. Then later defeated the giant Goliath with a sling and a stone in the name of the LORD during Israel's war will the Philistines. Even later, as he lead Israel as their King.

David's home
Surely goodness and loving kindness will follow me all the days of my life,And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psa.23:6
God's spiritual  house is the home in heaven and David long to be there, that home in heaven.

So as David chose and followed the LORD his GOD, you, my friend needs to choose and follow GOD.  

And you may and can, by accepting GOD's son, Jesus, into your heart and life. Jesus is GOD's way to salvation and way to heaven.  

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16

Ask, believe and confess, A-B-C
Ask Jesus to come into your life, Believe in your heart and confess Jesus is LORD.

You may and can do this through prayer, as you call on GOD today. And GOD will save you by His grace through faith in Him.

Then as a new born again child of GOD, go to a church and be baptized to publicly identify yourself with Jesus and God's people, the church.

 I pray you will and did, 💓💓💗🔑✅
Rev Dan


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