Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Noah remained alive in the ark

and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark. Gen 7:23

I must say, the later Bible translations,  leaves the word "alive" out of their translations, but KJV has it in italics,  the others say and only Noah was left, together with those that were with him in the ark. But there is enough spiritual truth here to make a great spiritual lesson.

Noah was in the ark and alive!!

He built it at the command of GOD. Hearing and following GOD's word, what a great thing to do and without any doubt. Although, some would say, Noah had many reasons to doubt. But he did not, as he walked with the LORD. He walked close to the LORD in those evil and wicked days. Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. And YOU may too friend.

Interesting to bible students, the ark had three level. As three reminds us of GOD, (Father, Son & Spirit) the three in one. 

It has been said that the ARK is a type of The LORD Jesus, in spiritual lessons.  As Noah was delivered in the ark, so are we delivered in Christ Jesus, as Noah was safe in the ark, so are we safe in Jesus Christ. For when we are saved we are in Christ.

Now notice,
Noah was alive in the ark with hope, following GOD
Noah was alive with Happiness, alive not seeing death
Noah was alive with a home, a new home as the other was destroyed by the floods
He and his family were in the ark saved from the flood, away from GOD's judgement.

Yes, you see Noah was trusting in GOD's plans, promises and provision. If Noah could trust in Him, perhaps you could too.

The Bible says for whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be saved. Why not call on Him today.

Rev Dan

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