Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The God of my salvation

Show me Your ways, O Lord;
Teach me Your paths.
Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
For You are the God of my salvation;
On You I wait all the day. Psalms 25:4-5
The God of my salvation

He will show you His way,
He will teach you His path,
He will Lead you in His truth.

First, we see David's personal prayer, to GOD as a source
David said as for me, personally, I will cry, I will pray to the LORD. A personal prayer to GOD his source of help. It was not of man's wisdom nor worldly wisdom, He asked it from GOD. It was not within himself, not David's own logic and experience, but from GOD.

Secondly we see David practical plan, GOD's way, as strategy
"teach me your path" There are many paths to take in our life. Career path, wealth path and family path, just to name a few. But for David, his practical path was to GOD. Here David's strategy was based on his history with GOD.  For HE had guided David as a Shepherd boy and he knew that he could use GOD's strategy in life.

Thirdly, we see David purposeful path, GOD's to seek
David said, LORD I want you to lead me in your truth.  Obliviously, GOD's way would be based on GOD"S words.  He will seek that purposeful path with GOD. David knew it and wanted to seek it. Led by the great hand of GOD. As GOD would lead, guide and direct. Although, it may not be a smooth path, perhaps rough and rocky, but David wanted GOD to Lead him, and I say "A-men !!" Would to GOD even I as the writer of this blog post could learn this for my life.

What GOD does is personal, for you
What GOD does is very practical, for you
What GOD does is purposeful, for you

The GOD of your salvation is calling you today, it's comparable to someone knocking at you home's front door, will you let Him in?? He's patiently waiting, why don't you call on Him today.

Rev. Dan

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