Friday, January 27, 2017

I remember the time


Hello again fellow blog followers.  Many years ago as a young preacher, I found a good place to preach and it was at the convalescent home for older people.   They always enjoyed young preachers and young people coming out to visit and sing.  I knew about this from our youth group as we would go up there to sing and preach to them from time to time


One of my young preacher friends became a regular preacher up there and he would go there weekly. Well, he was a carpenter and hurt himself on the job and he asked to fill in for him until he got better and I did. Of course, wife played the piano, so she played  and I led singing and preached. (we both prayed !!) 

One the patients there found out that my preacher friend would be coming back.  And the patient asked if me and my wife would come back on a regularly, at the time I said sure !! So we came back to have service there. Yet, one of the highlights the service was having the patients call the church that they saved and baptized in. 

Now you have to understand, many were old and many had forgotten a lot things, BUT, when it came to where you got saved and baptized, everybody, I mean everybody would call out their church's name, they would say preacher, I remember the time and place and call out their church's name.  As I think about it today, it still amazes me !!  ( yet, that's the power God unto those that call on Him)

As I get older myself, and if I have to go to a home in my elder years, I hope there's a young preacher boy and his piano playing wife can come by the convalescent home to sing, pray and preach for us, Amen :-)

But dear friend, to remember the time and place when and where the Lord saved you, there must be a time and place where you called on Him to saved you.  Jesus said "you must be born again" you must be saved, the Apostle Paul wrote for whosoever shall  call on the name of the Lord shall be saved, and he said for with the heart man believes and with confession is made unto salvation and these words are near to you, right now !! 

"that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." rom10:9

God bless you today my friend,

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