There was a time when we as believers would sing “how
firm our foundation” while others would sing “Jesus Christ solid rock” and yet now
even as the Apostle / Disciple Peter wrote in 1Peter 2:7 “the stone (rock) is
rejected (disallowed of men). It is very
interesting that Peter, who was Jesus’, number one disciple and group leader of
the twelve, that in his book, he would mention Jesus as a stone or rock. For
Jesus called Peter that “stone” in John chapter 1, which would establish Peter’s
ministry. Also stones are taught in may lights throughout the bible. David’s
stone that killed the giant, Peter’s statement of faith becoming the rock of
the Church and Jesus as a firm foundation.
But many today are rejecting the rock!! They are
rejecting His words, ways and wisdom. Many are rejecting his way of salvation,
service and second coming. Sadly, many are rejecting Him. Peter said you who believe in Him, He is precious, and Peter knew this as
he lived and walked with our Lord Jesus, while He was on this earth. Peter said in Acts 4 we have to speak about
the things we have seen and heard!! And
I too, have to write and publish what I have seen and heard in the years of my
life with the Lord.
Many are rejecting His scriptures, His words that we need
to live by in our lives. For His words gives us life’s manual, meaning and
message. Yet many reject it.
Many are rejecting His servant filled life, as He taught
us to serve Him that many would see us and this would glorify the Father.
And many are rejecting His salvation plan, as He taught
us that whosoever shall believe in Him should not perish (eternally) but have
everlasting life.
So many are “rejecting the rock” actually, they are
rejecting God the Father, God the Spirit and God the son the three in one. God’s words and ways are seen in His son, the
man, Jesus Christ.
Many are seeking this world’s wisdom and knowledge; many
are rejecting their childhood memory of church and vacation bible school and
learning they got about the Lord.
Parents need to teach their children about the Good Lord.
I am so glad the Lord was a great part of my wife and I
lives. We were raised in church and went to church and we are still going to
church and we are following His words, ways and wisdom, Praise His sweet name!!
But friend, what about YOU, are you following God, are
you a child of God, if not you can, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you
shall be saved!! The spirit says “come”
Jesus said “come unto me” the scriptures has said and are near you in your heart
and mind, that if thou shall confess with your mouth, the Lord Jesus, and shall
believe in your heard, you shall be saved!!
God bless you friend, turn ye to the ROCK!!
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