Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Reaching outside of the Walls

The other day, I was asked my highest education level.  Well, I had gotten computer certificates from my days in field service, but prior to that I had attended a local Bible College, in the 1980s and I got my Master Degree.  Then man continued his questioning and asked if I was a preacher and I said yes, I am an ordained minister. And he ask again are you Pastoring a church and I said no, I blog and do audio podcast, He said well that’s great, you are reaching outside the walls of the church, and then God spoke to my heart and mind.

At first, that statement encouraged me and made me feel good. Obliviously, the man to whom I was talking to, realize the potential outreach of blogging.  I have found that my blog reaches locally as here in the USA and globally around the world. (Another motivation for me). Then, as I thought about it more, I realized that, perhaps, I have found my place in the Lord’s work in this part of my Life.  For many work inside the walls of the church and many work  outside of the walls of the church.

There’s inside the walls of the church meaning teaching, preaching and singing in the sanctuary, in the comforts of the church. Some have their place for that while others reach out to those outside of the church walls.  Obliviously, we need both ministries, but I have found mine for me in this part of my life. So I find comfort and a course in life to go.

The good Lord works in mysterious ways, actually, unknown ways to us, for His ways are not our ways.  So I got encouragement and enlightenment from a stranger, or perhaps an angel or messenger, of which I was unaware. (Selah, think about it)

I just thought of a contemporary Christian song from years ago, that says, “living with in the rose color stain glass windows” talking about the safety of the church and not reaching out pass the walls of the church.  Like I said, inside ministry has its place and we need it for worship, but also there’s reaching pass the walls, pass the friendly comforts and confides of the church.

But dear friend, as you read this blog post, may I ask, “are you saved  are you born again??”  The bible says for by grace are you saved, for with heart man believes and with mouth confession is made unto salvation, for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

God bless you friend, I’m encouraged and enlightened.


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