Wednesday, May 4, 2016

My motivation to blog

My Motivation to blog

For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.(KJV)
for we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard. (NAS)
for we, on our part, cannot stop telling [people] about what we have seen and heard. (AMP )
Acts 4:20

I purposefully put the different scripture versions for they each tell the story of me and for me.  I cannot stop, speaking about what we have seen and heard about the Lord Jesus in my salvation and service for HIM. It is truly my motivation for my blog.

As I have mentioned from time to time, I am a Gospel Preacher of the Lord Jesus Christ since the 80s, 90s, and now. (it is a borrowed phrase, but I think it applies here for me) And I have SEEN and HEARD of many great things of the Lord through those years and I have to just tell it or I feel like I am going to burst open. It’s in my heart and mind.
In Acts chapter 4 we see a great lesson of motivation from the disciples / apostles. They went from being discipline learners to men sent with a message. (Hallelujah!!)  That’s me and could be you too.

You see, I got saved at age 13, from a low income home, we found church and we thought it was the best thing to ever happen to us. It’s kind of interesting as my parents who were both preachers’ children and we went for years not attending church. But even in the first thirteen years of my life and I can see where the hand of God was leading our lives toward Him. My mother’s co-worker gave us our first bible as a gift. The mail man invited and then carried us to church.  A church bus route started up in our community and they tried to get us to go to church, every Sunday we thought it was a game to hide from them, only to find out later that they always seen us hiding.  And then came the preacher’s visit after my oldest brother had a car wreck. He flipped a 1964 Mustang (I wish I had that car today) from the wreck, my brother only lost a shoe. When it could have been a foot, leg or even crushed. As he rolled it tires up. (Praise the Lord for His great care for our family)

Then there was our great home church of 1980s. I was, at the time a young preacher boy very evolved in the activities of the church. Then I went to a community Bible college and I would later get married and pastor a church which was in the 1990s. The 2000s have been an interesting time for us. As we have served God in many ministries and while trying to rise our son who is high functioning Autistic and having the time of his life.

 But God has no doubt been a great part of my families’ life and in our ministry and meetings.  I cannot forget the meetings. From revivals, to mission conferences, to Campmeeting revivals we have seen and heard God do many great things. So I have to tell it and even shout it and most recently blog it, truly as the Peter and John said in Acts chapter 4:20, we cannot stop speaking what we have SEEN and HEARD. AND I say amen to that for it is my blogging motivation.

Dear friend, reader of this blog page, do you know the Lord?? Are you saved?? Have you been born again??  Do not wonder, you must be born again.  For with the heart man believes and with confession is made unto salvation, for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding. He’s just a prayer away.

God bless you, and really HE, the Lord is my motivation.


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