Friday, May 13, 2016

Inside the walls

Inside the walls of the Church, (the sanctuary) is very important too and must be done correctly.  There needs to be praise, honor and respect to the Lord.  There has to be the message through song and / or through sermon. There should be a message of praise to the Lord, a message of His great provisions and His message of peace. Also there should be a message of salvation, service and looking for His second coming.
David in the Psalms mentioned many times how he found love, joy and peace in the sanctuary. Of course he was talking about the tabernacle.  For there was the light from the golden candlestick (lampstand) with their wicks trimmed for optimum lighting.  The Light from the seven branch candlestick provided light for the Holy place and shed light on itself, so that you could understand its place, provision and performance.  Oh that Jesus would be the main light in the sanctuary (inside the walls) so that His light shed light on Himself and provide light for the whole room of believers and bible teachings.

His light shed light on the table of showbread, which speaks of our fellowship with Him, the Bread, 12 loaves covered all 12 tribes of Israel, as the priest worked in the tabernacle, keeping the candlesticks burning and keeping the fire going on the brazen altar speak speaks of prayer, the priest would eat, part take of the bread, have fellowship with the bread. What a beautiful picture!!

What a great lesson for us today when we meet the Lord on the Lord’s Day. The light of Jesus must be seen, secondly there must be fellowship with Him and there must be prayer sent up as smoke raises up our prayer raises up to God the Father. What a perspective and what a great lesson!!  When many in the protestant religion and main denominations are leaving this type of worship for newer man made ideas, let’s go back to Jesus, inside the walls, and worship Him in spirit and in truth!!

Some churches have changed to a theater look and others have change to a rock concert look, but give me the church, with a Pulpit, pews, an altar and choir seating.   I am talking about inside the church, inside the walls. It has its place and the fire has to burn there first before we go outside of the walls!!

Let me be very clear, I am not throwing any rocks here, but only stating my opinion, explaining my preference and perspective.  But as for me and house, we will worship the Lord in the sanctuary inside walls of the church, then go, glow and give Him to a lost and dying world.  I am thankful for ALL the great meetings that I have been in over these many years of the 80s, 90s and now (2000s) the fire has to start inside walls of the church, and then many will want to go outside the walls. This seems to my calling, right now, in this part of my life, as this was brought to my attention, blogging here in the USA and around the world. (Thank God for the translation and the correcting of my English language, But using social media and internet proclaiming the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, HALELUJAH !!

But dear friend, as you read this, may I asked are you saved?? Are you born again?? Turn ye unto God and He will turn unto you, then whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

God Bless you,


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