Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day 2016

Well, it's Memorial Day 2016 here in North Georgia

Praise the Lord and thankful for those who gave their lives for our good country!!

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.

God bless you friend,
Rev. Dan

Saturday, May 28, 2016

May I testify 160528


May I testify this morning, I am saved and born again, I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior.  I have to say this morning, I keep coming back to the Rock, and I am happy too.  He's God and there's none besides Him.

I keep coming back to the rock, the rock of ages, Jesus Christ, the rock or stone, that men rejected, well, He has become the corner stone of my salvation and my life, praise His name!!

In the bible, 1st Peter talks about Jesus being the rock or stone, it quiet interesting that Jesus and Peter had this "rock" and "stone" conversation, as Jesus mentioned Peter being a rock (petros) and Jesus needed a man to lead the twelve and be their spokesman. So He picked a little rock.  But then Apostle Peter would says on his written book that Jesus is the main rock, the great stone, the great corner stone of our faith and foundation. Praise be His name!! I believe it.

God bless you today my friend, call on the name of the Lord, trust in Him and He shall direct your path. The first bible that I received had this verse, Proverbs 3:5, on the inside cover, as special note, that bible which was given to us from my mother's co-worker. Would to God, that we would still have christian co-workers giving our bibles as a special gift!! And put a special verse for your life on the inside cover, praise His dear
name, amen!!

Have a great day, a great day!!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Rejecting the Rock

There was a time when we as believers would sing “how firm our foundation” while others would sing “Jesus Christ solid rock” and yet now even as the Apostle / Disciple Peter wrote in 1Peter 2:7 “the stone (rock) is rejected (disallowed of men).  It is very interesting that Peter, who was Jesus’, number one disciple and group leader of the twelve, that in his book, he would mention Jesus as a stone or rock. For Jesus called Peter that “stone” in John chapter 1, which would establish Peter’s ministry.  Also stones are taught in may lights throughout the bible. David’s stone that killed the giant, Peter’s statement of faith becoming the rock of the Church and Jesus as a firm foundation.

But many today are rejecting the rock!! They are rejecting His words, ways and wisdom. Many are rejecting his way of salvation, service and second coming. Sadly, many are rejecting Him.  Peter said you who believe in Him, He is precious, and Peter knew this as he lived and walked with our Lord Jesus, while He was on this earth.  Peter said in Acts 4 we have to speak about the things we have seen and heard!!  And I too, have to write and publish what I have seen and heard in the years of my life with the Lord.

Many are rejecting His scriptures, His words that we need to live by in our lives. For His words gives us life’s manual, meaning and message. Yet many reject it.

Many are rejecting His servant filled life, as He taught us to serve Him that many would see us and this would glorify the Father.

And many are rejecting His salvation plan, as He taught us that whosoever shall believe in Him should not perish (eternally) but have everlasting life.

So many are “rejecting the rock” actually, they are rejecting God the Father, God the Spirit and God the son the three in one.  God’s words and ways are seen in His son, the man, Jesus Christ.

Many are seeking this world’s wisdom and knowledge; many are rejecting their childhood memory of church and vacation bible school and learning they got about the Lord.  Parents need to teach their children about the Good Lord.

I am so glad the Lord was a great part of my wife and I lives. We were raised in church and went to church and we are still going to church and we are following His words, ways and wisdom, Praise His sweet name!!

But friend, what about YOU, are you following God, are you a child of God, if not you can, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved!!  The spirit says “come” Jesus said “come unto me” the scriptures has said and are near you in your heart and mind, that if thou shall confess with your mouth, the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heard, you shall be saved!!

God bless you friend, turn ye to the ROCK!!


Friday, May 13, 2016

Inside the walls

Inside the walls of the Church, (the sanctuary) is very important too and must be done correctly.  There needs to be praise, honor and respect to the Lord.  There has to be the message through song and / or through sermon. There should be a message of praise to the Lord, a message of His great provisions and His message of peace. Also there should be a message of salvation, service and looking for His second coming.
David in the Psalms mentioned many times how he found love, joy and peace in the sanctuary. Of course he was talking about the tabernacle.  For there was the light from the golden candlestick (lampstand) with their wicks trimmed for optimum lighting.  The Light from the seven branch candlestick provided light for the Holy place and shed light on itself, so that you could understand its place, provision and performance.  Oh that Jesus would be the main light in the sanctuary (inside the walls) so that His light shed light on Himself and provide light for the whole room of believers and bible teachings.

His light shed light on the table of showbread, which speaks of our fellowship with Him, the Bread, 12 loaves covered all 12 tribes of Israel, as the priest worked in the tabernacle, keeping the candlesticks burning and keeping the fire going on the brazen altar speak speaks of prayer, the priest would eat, part take of the bread, have fellowship with the bread. What a beautiful picture!!

What a great lesson for us today when we meet the Lord on the Lord’s Day. The light of Jesus must be seen, secondly there must be fellowship with Him and there must be prayer sent up as smoke raises up our prayer raises up to God the Father. What a perspective and what a great lesson!!  When many in the protestant religion and main denominations are leaving this type of worship for newer man made ideas, let’s go back to Jesus, inside the walls, and worship Him in spirit and in truth!!

Some churches have changed to a theater look and others have change to a rock concert look, but give me the church, with a Pulpit, pews, an altar and choir seating.   I am talking about inside the church, inside the walls. It has its place and the fire has to burn there first before we go outside of the walls!!

Let me be very clear, I am not throwing any rocks here, but only stating my opinion, explaining my preference and perspective.  But as for me and house, we will worship the Lord in the sanctuary inside walls of the church, then go, glow and give Him to a lost and dying world.  I am thankful for ALL the great meetings that I have been in over these many years of the 80s, 90s and now (2000s) the fire has to start inside walls of the church, and then many will want to go outside the walls. This seems to my calling, right now, in this part of my life, as this was brought to my attention, blogging here in the USA and around the world. (Thank God for the translation and the correcting of my English language, But using social media and internet proclaiming the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, HALELUJAH !!

But dear friend, as you read this, may I asked are you saved?? Are you born again?? Turn ye unto God and He will turn unto you, then whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

God Bless you,


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Reaching outside of the Walls

The other day, I was asked my highest education level.  Well, I had gotten computer certificates from my days in field service, but prior to that I had attended a local Bible College, in the 1980s and I got my Master Degree.  Then man continued his questioning and asked if I was a preacher and I said yes, I am an ordained minister. And he ask again are you Pastoring a church and I said no, I blog and do audio podcast, He said well that’s great, you are reaching outside the walls of the church, and then God spoke to my heart and mind.

At first, that statement encouraged me and made me feel good. Obliviously, the man to whom I was talking to, realize the potential outreach of blogging.  I have found that my blog reaches locally as here in the USA and globally around the world. (Another motivation for me). Then, as I thought about it more, I realized that, perhaps, I have found my place in the Lord’s work in this part of my Life.  For many work inside the walls of the church and many work  outside of the walls of the church.

There’s inside the walls of the church meaning teaching, preaching and singing in the sanctuary, in the comforts of the church. Some have their place for that while others reach out to those outside of the church walls.  Obliviously, we need both ministries, but I have found mine for me in this part of my life. So I find comfort and a course in life to go.

The good Lord works in mysterious ways, actually, unknown ways to us, for His ways are not our ways.  So I got encouragement and enlightenment from a stranger, or perhaps an angel or messenger, of which I was unaware. (Selah, think about it)

I just thought of a contemporary Christian song from years ago, that says, “living with in the rose color stain glass windows” talking about the safety of the church and not reaching out pass the walls of the church.  Like I said, inside ministry has its place and we need it for worship, but also there’s reaching pass the walls, pass the friendly comforts and confides of the church.

But dear friend, as you read this blog post, may I ask, “are you saved  are you born again??”  The bible says for by grace are you saved, for with heart man believes and with mouth confession is made unto salvation, for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

God bless you friend, I’m encouraged and enlightened.


Friday, May 6, 2016

Personal Practical Evangelism

Personal Practical Evangelism
Any type of soul winning activity, door to door visitation, passing out gospel literatures (tracks), a phone call (prospecting cold or hot) teaching a Sunday school class, preaching the gospel (on the street, radio, TV, internet, blogging, social media, podcast…)

While in bible college, I had one professor who gave us one hour extra credit if you did PPE each week while in his class, (Dr. Charles Forrester) Many of those hours went toward my degree.

Network Evangelism
Witnessing or inviting people to church that only you know and that’s within your local network of people, meaning family, friends,acquaintances and co-workers.

God bless you, we all could do more, but at least we should do what we can do for Him, by using our God given talent and filled with the Holy Spirit.
We are laborers, laborers together, and laborers together with Him. see 1Cor.3:9

There’s a call coming over the restless ways, “send the light, send the light” There are souls to recue there are souls to save so send the light, the Blessed gospel light, from shore to shore and forever more.
4 biblical reasons to soul win:
-          Because we must speak what we have seen and heard Act4:20
-          Because of the Macedonia call  “come and help” Acts 16:9
-          Because of those gone on before us “clouds of witnesses” Hebrews 12:1
-          Because Go tell my brothers “send him” Luke 16:27-28
Proverb 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls

Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. John 20:21

May I present Jesus to you, for Jesus is a friend so kind and true, though your friends may come and go, there’s a friend that you should know, so may I present Jesus to you.

God Bless you friend,


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

My motivation to blog

My Motivation to blog

For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.(KJV)
for we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard. (NAS)
for we, on our part, cannot stop telling [people] about what we have seen and heard. (AMP )
Acts 4:20

I purposefully put the different scripture versions for they each tell the story of me and for me.  I cannot stop, speaking about what we have seen and heard about the Lord Jesus in my salvation and service for HIM. It is truly my motivation for my blog.

As I have mentioned from time to time, I am a Gospel Preacher of the Lord Jesus Christ since the 80s, 90s, and now. (it is a borrowed phrase, but I think it applies here for me) And I have SEEN and HEARD of many great things of the Lord through those years and I have to just tell it or I feel like I am going to burst open. It’s in my heart and mind.
In Acts chapter 4 we see a great lesson of motivation from the disciples / apostles. They went from being discipline learners to men sent with a message. (Hallelujah!!)  That’s me and could be you too.

You see, I got saved at age 13, from a low income home, we found church and we thought it was the best thing to ever happen to us. It’s kind of interesting as my parents who were both preachers’ children and we went for years not attending church. But even in the first thirteen years of my life and I can see where the hand of God was leading our lives toward Him. My mother’s co-worker gave us our first bible as a gift. The mail man invited and then carried us to church.  A church bus route started up in our community and they tried to get us to go to church, every Sunday we thought it was a game to hide from them, only to find out later that they always seen us hiding.  And then came the preacher’s visit after my oldest brother had a car wreck. He flipped a 1964 Mustang (I wish I had that car today) from the wreck, my brother only lost a shoe. When it could have been a foot, leg or even crushed. As he rolled it tires up. (Praise the Lord for His great care for our family)

Then there was our great home church of 1980s. I was, at the time a young preacher boy very evolved in the activities of the church. Then I went to a community Bible college and I would later get married and pastor a church which was in the 1990s. The 2000s have been an interesting time for us. As we have served God in many ministries and while trying to rise our son who is high functioning Autistic and having the time of his life.

 But God has no doubt been a great part of my families’ life and in our ministry and meetings.  I cannot forget the meetings. From revivals, to mission conferences, to Campmeeting revivals we have seen and heard God do many great things. So I have to tell it and even shout it and most recently blog it, truly as the Peter and John said in Acts chapter 4:20, we cannot stop speaking what we have SEEN and HEARD. AND I say amen to that for it is my blogging motivation.

Dear friend, reader of this blog page, do you know the Lord?? Are you saved?? Have you been born again??  Do not wonder, you must be born again.  For with the heart man believes and with confession is made unto salvation, for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding. He’s just a prayer away.

God bless you, and really HE, the Lord is my motivation.


Where is the Lamb??

Where is the Lamb??

And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? Genesis 22:7

Last Sunday, my Pastor preached an expository verse by verse sermon, (which is a not done by many preachers today) but he preached his sermon from Genesis 22. It was a great sermon and almost like a verbal commentary on each verse, I really enjoyed it.
When he came to verse 7, God spoke to my heart and mind, even more since I have had a chance to muse on it. One of the key phrases “Where is the Lamb??”  Now, I have heard this preached many times over the years, but I would like to expound to you my take and what God laid on my heart.

Where is the Lamb?? I say, HE’S HERE!! And first, He is here for your family.  Many homes and families rally around a lot of things, Life, love and laughter, just to name a few things.  But what a great precedence we find here in Genesis 22 and it is a lamb for your family. Moses would echo this thought and lesson in Israel’s wilderness journey with the tabernacle.  For the protection from sin, to be made right with God, each family needs a lamb.

Where is the Lamb?? He’s here for your family. But secondly, Where is the Lamb, He is here for your faith.  For what you really believe in. You need a lamb.  The bible says in Hebrews 12:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Your faith needs a lamb to believe in and rely on.  Many times we will sacrifice, serve and study his word, a personal lamb.

It is a lamb for your family and your faith, then thirdly, for your future. Where lamb in your future??  Well, it could all depend on your relationship with the lamb. How do you treat the lamb, it could affect your home, happiness and heaven, all of which is your future. In John Chapter 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
Yes, the Lamb is Jesus, Behold, take notice!! The Lamb of God!!  Clearly fulfilling the Old Testament type, especially in Genesis 22, The Lord Jesus, He is who you need, He is the Lamb and He is here!!

Dear Friend, how long will you turn from this??  He is here, hallelujah!! He’s just a prayer away. For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. For with the heart man believes and with mouth confession is made unto salvation. You must be born again.

God Bless you, and God will provide you a lamb.
