Thursday, May 22, 2014

Mr. Missionary

Mr. Missionary

In my old home church many years ago, we had a 3 & 4 year old boy & girls Sunday school class (small group now) ;-)  And it was in a class room right next to the nursery in the basement of our red brick church. It was very typical in the south in the day. The sanctuary was on the main floor and a basement of Sunday rooms with the Pastor's office at the end of the hallway near the exit door.  (warms my heart just thinking of it) :-)

Well, one of the weekly object lessons was teaching the children to give and support  world missions and the missionary.  So our children's Sunday school teacher created a hat (usually a ball cap) and put missions on it and whoever wore it was Mr. Missionary.

She, the Sunday school teacher would always pick a young preacher boy to be Mr. Missionary, as there was many in my home church.  My Pastor, always had many Preacher boys in his many churches that he Pastor. We're talking about 20-25+ preacher boys, at the height of the ministry in our home church. (interestingly, where are they now??, Hmm, a future blog??) But many where Sunday school teachers, many where Bus Captains in the Bus ministry, where local radio preachers and many preached at the Nursing Home for the elderly. (Hmm, no brag, But I tried to do it all) :-D  but it was a great time . . .

So she would get a preacher boy to come by and be Mr. Missionary and the little children learn to give their pennies, Nichols and dimes to missions and the Missionary. What a great valuable lesson for life.

But the real story, we were all young preacher boys, some going to Bible college and some working a secular job to support their families. And then God started calling each one of us to a specific ministry. And do you know, that God actually called one of those preacher boy to missions and he became a missionary in Germany. It is truly amazing how God works !!  To be a character lesson for children and then actually become Mr Missionary.

God bless you friend, God can use you for service, BUT first ye must be born again, you must be saved. God calls you unto salvation first, then to service. For whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord, shall be saved !! For with the heart man believes and with mouth confession is made. Please call on Him today.

God loves you,
Rev. Daniel Samples

(ps. yes I was invited to be Mr. Missionary too, PTL !!)  ;-D

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