Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Missing my Russian Friends

Please pray our Russian and Ukraine friends. I have not seen a page view from them in a while and I am very concerned.  At one time they were one of my biggest audience for page views from that part of the world.  I hope that I did not lose some on my last blog Wars & rumors of wars.   Although Russia is a big part of prophesy and  it's how I have learned and interrupted the prophesy in the bible. I did not mean for any ill will, but just to wake us / awake all to turn your life to Christ. 

So please pray for them and I will too. Then I will look forward to seeing the page views again in the near future.

Although I am a computer hobbyist, I wonder if that part of the world is blocked off during war time. I really don't know, but just wondering.  Can they actually block Google and the world wide web ??  I hope not as some need biblical encouragement and some need to send prayer request. I pray "God help"

Please pray and let's see what happens.

God Bless you,

Rev. Daniel Samples

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