Sunday, April 6, 2014

The prayers of a friend

James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Many years ago, my wife was unsatisfied with her job situation and was looking and hoping for another.  At the time jobs where scarce and you needed to hang on to the one you had at the time. This was her situation.  We were attending a small church where one of my preacher friend was pastoring and they had been friends of the family for years.  My preacher friend's wife sang at our wedding and she and my wife had been in contact with each other for years. And she knew the value of prayer.

Well, my wife had shared with her, as she was a long time friend, how that she would like to get another job.  Then it was made known that a job in the county school system was open and they prayed about it together.  My wife went to the interview and it involed a test.  She thought that the interview went well but she thought that she did bad on the test. Well, we prayed and my wife's friend prayed and my wife got the job. PTL !!

Then we needed another car.  Our mini-van just had to many miles on it and it was costing us a lot of money, as it needed many repairs. Well, we prayed. My wife shared it with her friend.  She prayed. And she got a burden about it, and ask God to allow us a have a good car to drive to work and to church.  Then low and behold, as we went to the car dealership that day we got the new car. I say PTL !!

She prayed for a job and a car for us.  It has never happened again, as of yet. But it could possibly happen again.  When God heard  the prayers of a friend.

Dear friend, I know the value of prayer, and prayer does changes things.  In the bible in the New testament, one thing that got the disciples of Jesus attention, was His prayer time. If the Lord Jesus prayed when He was on earth, how much more do we need to pray ??

At my first church, my song leader would sing the song "Love lifted me" well on the last chorus, he always liked changing the words to "prayer changes things"  so we would sing the words "prayer changes things" to the tune of "Love lifted me", it does work and fits, you must try it sometimes.

But with prayer, you must be born again, God, the Heavenly Father, is waiting to hear your salvation prayer first. Then after He saves you, He will answer as a father does his children.  So call on Him today. For whosoever shall on the name of the Lord shall be saved !!

God Bless you friend,


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