Monday, September 16, 2013

What a connection

A few years ago, I had an opportunity to conduct a prayer service at an assisted living home for the elderly.  It was nothing new to me for I have been there and done that before.  The first place that I was called to was a local convalescent home in my home town. There was only one at that time and now there are several in the area.  This was a new one and they wanted a mid-week service.  So Kathy and I went, she played the piano and I led singing and preached. (preaching, praying, singing, shouting)  :-) 

One couple that was there heard me talk about my first bible.  It was given to me from one of my Mother’s co-worker, Mrs. Whittmire.   A red cover bible and she put my name in it and the date that she gave it to me in 1973.  Also, she wrote on the cover Proverbs 3:6.  Hand written Beautifully,  she wrote out the whole verse.  Proverbs 3:5-6 would become my Life’s verse and would be the first verses that I taught my son.

But, this couple whom I was preaching to was friends with my Mom’s co-worker, and had known her for very long time.  And it was no surprise to them and he shared with me how she was a dear Christian friend and lady.  It was like her good works came full a circle for me.   What a connection!!

I think about this and it puts a smile on my face.  Who but God could make a connection like that?  Perhaps God allowed it for me or maybe to show me that approved what I was doing.  That bible was given to me in 1973, I met that couple in 2009, some forty-six year later that that gift kept on giving. WOW !!

But my friend, Jesus gave his life for you, that you might have life, eternal life, in eternity. First, you have to be saved, born again, accept Jesus Christ in to your heart and ask forgiveness of sins.  Trust in the Lord with all your Heart.  And “ In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct they path”.  That verse was given to me in a bible and I give it now to you. P-R-A-I-S-E   T-H-E   L-O-RD !!

God bless you,


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