Sunday, September 1, 2013

Train up a Child

The Bible says our children are our heritage. Many times, they are a blessing or a burden to us.  We have a tendency to say that’s my boy, when they do good and / or say look what YOUR boy done when they do something wrong.  Well, this time, I would like to write is when my son was a blessing. 

For many years, I took my son to school every Monday morning, as I had Mondays off and I worked a four day work week Tuesday through Friday.  So we would climb into my Ford F150 pickup and we would have prayer time while the truck warmed up and before we started out.  I know we did this every week and every year that he was in high school.  I was really inspired to do this from one of our church friends, that said at one of our testimony meetings, that she would have prayer with her daughter in the living room before she carried her daughter to school.  So it was a “my thing” with my son and we would have prayer time and quote a bible verse.  John 3:16, prov3:5-6. John14;6 …etc just to name few verses that I had him to quote and he still knows them today.

Well, my son graduated high school and started an internship with the Siemens corp. in Atlanta, Project Life.  My job changed and I started working Monday through Friday, with the hours of 9-6.  So I am with him in the mornings.  After my wife leaves for work, I check my emails and Twitter account on the computer.  On one particular morning, while I was on the computer, my son grabbed my hand and said Dad let’s have prayer time.  WOW, it took me off guard, I wasn’t expecting it, but he wanted to pray before he started his day. And I thought, well praise the good Lord’s name. The bible says train up a child and he shall NOT depart from his ways.  Boy, did I see that verse become true in our lives.

But dear friend, verses in the bible about salvation are true, you must be born again. You must call on the name of the Lord.  For whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  Why don’t you call on Him today? 

God Bless you,


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