Sunday, September 22, 2013

Something I will never forget

1985 was an interesting year in my life.  I was on Bible College at night, preaching on our local radio station on Sundays and very active in my home church, while holding a 40 hour a week job at an electronics company.  Our church had a grown to a 300 member church and my Pastor wanted to take us to another level spiritually.  "Campmeeting"  Some churches and Pastors had met in the North Atlanta area had gotten together to form a large co-operative choir and booked local pastors and evangelist.  The newness was great.  The worship in singing, shouting and sharing was great.

The church where we had the actual meeting was in Norcross Georgia.  It was a little less than one mile from my office where I worked.  And for a week and half I was able to take my lunch hour during  the day services, for we had day and night services.  And I was able to experience that each day at lunch time, something that I would never forget.

There was a sweetness about those morning services.  Some days I would come in and there was hard preaching going on and another time I came in there was testifying and worshipping going on in the services. Like I said before, just another level of spiritual worship.  For we had revivals, and they were good, we had mission conferences and they were good.  But the camp meeting worship was another level.

I met people that year that have been friends for life since that time and now I still worship with them.  That meeting in 1985 ran it's course and a couple of years later we had our own camp meeting which became an annual event for us and many years to come.  But I will never forget that year that I got to go to church, that is, go to camp meeting during my lunch time.

But dear friend, God may be speaking to you.  Do you hear Him while He is calling you?? Accepting Him today, in you heart, will be a something that you will never forget.  Call on Him today, trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, for whosoever shall call on the name of Lord shall be saved.

God Bless you and have a great day,


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