Friday, June 21, 2013

The squirrels and the corn patch

"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Phil.4:19

I remember a story that an elderly preacher friend of mine told about his corn patch and the squirrels. He had planted for his family a corn patch, a designated area in his garden set aside for corn. Well, being a GM worker in Atlanta at the Doraville plant, he would work all day and come home and work in his garden to raise some vegetables for his family, (that is family of girls ;-)  Anyway, He got to noticing that his corn patch were slowly being ate by the squirrels. They ruin the whole patch. So he, being human and being upset and mad ask the Lord to kill the squirrels !! They're just little rodents that aggravate and eat his corn.  BUT then, God started speaking to his heart.  And the preacher repented that he had asked the Lord to kill the squirrels ask for forgiveness.  And trusted that God would provide and he trusted God.  Then God who was already working unknown the preacher revealed his great provision plan to him.  A neighbor who lived across the road meet up with my preacher friend and said how's your corn patch this year, the preacher said not good the squirrels got in it and ate it all up. The neighbor said well don't worry, I have bumper corp load of corn this year and I have extra, feel free to come over and pick all you want.  And he did with his wife and daughters ;-) Then another friend, a fellow church member, said come over we have plenty of corn too.  So that year my preacher friend had more corn than he would have with his corn patch and they were able to can many quarts of corn for the winter.  So every time he grabbed  quart of corn He remember the squirrels and the corn patch and how God provided for him and his family.
I think it was a repented heart that was the key here for God was already a working in his life. There was no need to be mad and upset and wishing God would kill one of his little animals. But it's a lesson that we need to trust God and believe that He will provide.  That's easier say than done, I mean, I truly know, but my God provided again.

Dear friend, is God working in your life, has things made you mad and upset, that we forget the goodness of God?? The bible says "but my God" First, He has to be your God, you first must be saved, born again, become a child of God, then my God, your shall supply all your need according to his riches in Glory, by Christ Jesus. I say A-Men and hallelujah !!!

God bless you friend, trust in the Lord with ALL your heart.


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