Saturday, June 8, 2013

My Dad's Pastor

The other Sunday, I had an appointment to preach at a local church.  I don't seem to get appointments as much as I want, but that's in God's hand, He's my agent.  Anyway, after the service an elderly man who was in his early eighties, came up to me and the Pastor and said." you were my Dad's Pastor!!" Well, I looked around to see if he talking to another and no, it was me !!  Now I do not normally hear that from an 83 year old man, you're my Dad's Pastor, but I did that day.

Well, as it turns out, many years ago as a young preacher boy, in my late twenties, my wife and I were invited to start a Nursing Home ministry at the Local nursing home for the elderly.  I had filled in for a preacher friend of mine while he was down with his back and so the people wanted us to come back on a regularly basis. One the residents was the 83 year old Dad.  He was very instrumental in getting me to come there.  We had great meetings there, at the old nursing home, and I preached there for a few years.  Although, some say it was really my wife's piano playing and singing, but I would like to think those old folks just wanted to hear the Gospel preached.  (Hmmm . . .)

Well, it just makes you think about your life serving God.  Every once and while, I'll meet someone and they say, I know you, your the preacher, that  . . . and it could mean many things, from baptism or riding the Church bus, to preaching a sermon, just many things.   And they were GOOD THINGS!! The things done for the Lord.  I cherish them !! All the times that I have spent serving Him has been Great!! and I rejoice and do rejoice !!  I am in my mid fifties now, but I do not feel like my job is over.  There's still a work to do.  Serving Him while I can.  And I look forward to serving Him for 20 or 30 more years, TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!.

But dear friend, whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved, for with heart man believes unto righteousness and with mouth confession is made unto salvation, YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN !!.

I am glad to be identified as this 83 year man Dad's pastor. Only God knows how, that He will  continue to use me.  Is God using you??

God Bless you neighbor,

Hey, it's 2019 now and I found another old picture of the Nursing Home and today I will add it.

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