Monday, June 17, 2013

The power in the church

The other day, my wife was reading her face-book page of where a preacher friend of ours, one that we have known for years and went to church together many years ago, posted a story or thought that touched us and obviously touched him.  He said it was this years Vacation Bible School.  Storms had been in the area and the power / electricity had gone off and the sanctuary was very dark.  A little boy, who had not attended church much in his life, tugged on our preacher friend's pants leg and said "There's no power in the Church!!"  WOW, what a clear & large statement from the mouth of babes, which has great praticle and spiritual meaning.

You see, we were raised in the era of great things happening in the church.  We have seen the drunker throwing away his bottle, the druggie giving up his bad habits, homes being restored and brought back together, life changing decisions to serve Christ and forsake the world, and on and on I can go. There was a great life changing power in the church.  The sad was made glad, the hopeless  gained  hope.  All because of the man, the message and the miracles of Christ as seen in the church.   Heaven came down and glory filled our souls.  Seeing  hundreds people laughing, crying and shouting in the same place, the CHURCH!!  The church had power and was really the place of power.

Much of this power came through prayer and praising God.  (It is amazing what praising can do!!)
When the church came together in one mind and one accord, hey, doesn't that sound similar to Acts chapter 2, there was great power and numbers there too. The Apostle Paul said in Romans 1:16 there's great power in the message, the gospel of Christ!! It's the power of God unto salvation, to every one that believes and listen to this, to the Jews and the Greeks !!  To the religious and the so called great minds.

But many years ago and even now from time to time, you will see great power in the church.  Some of us have seen it and experienced it and live for it.  It's like a well of refreshing water, you just got to have it.  Also, I can't leave Acts 1:8, receiving that dymanic power, for sure the Holy Spirit is the energizer, along with the word and the Lord.

But dear friend, the gospel is the power of God unto salvation, it all starts with salvation first. You must be saved, born again, to have the power of God. For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved, AMEN !!

Our preacher friend heard the little boy say there's no power in the church, and his prayer was, Lord help us to keep clean the power lines to the church. And indeed I say, AMEN !!

God bless you friend,

( and God bless Brother Jason P. in N.C. for through his face-book page moved me to write this)

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