Thursday, November 22, 2012

Prayer it just works

Well, once again, God has proven, to me and my family, that He hears and answers prayer.  We had a financial need for our son.  It seems to always  start that way, a need for a family member and it pulls on our hearts and is very heavy on our minds.  Well, we put out the word to family, friends and fellow churchgoers, a prayer request for our son.  Our niece told her church, grandmother had her Sunday school class to pray and many others as well.   It reminds me what an evangelist friend of mine said to me many years ago.  He said when there's need in my life, I let everybody, all praying christian know so that they can pray.  Well, we know it says un the bible the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.  And it says to make our request known.  But honestly, I don't have all the answers to prayer nor the all the keys.  But that which I do know and I do testify, GOD HEARS AND ANSWERS PRAYER.  And I am not sure of the who, the how or the why, but God answers in his own time and way.  A key to prayer, I have observed, is that when many prays for you, God answers.  Well, needless to say, God did answer our prayer for our son.  A financial need was met.  I am glad that I saw it and I'm so glad my family saw it and my son experienced it.  Thank you Lord for answering prayer.

But dear friend, God will hear you, when you call upon Him.  The bible trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding, come to Him through faith and believing.

God Bless you Friend,


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