Sunday, November 4, 2012

1000th blog view - thank you

Well, I have over 1000 views of my blog.  Most interestingly, views from 10 different countries around the world.  A missionary effort on my keyboard from my home.  I desire to be a voice and a light.  It reminds me of the railroad crossings that we (my son and I) are usually stationed at when rail fanning.  There's the bell sound and the flashing lights to indicate / alarm you of the approaching locomotive.  In other words, there's the sound and light. (also bells & whistles) BUT, that's me, that's what I desire to do with Gospel of Christ.  In the bible, John the Baptist, was a voice crying in the wilderness.  Jesus said He is the light of the world. Especially for those who are in darkness.  I am about the promotion of the gospel message and I am about promoting Sunday church (I hope I don't lose some here) But we should worship the Lord on the first day of the week, the Lord's Day, the day Christ rose from the grave !!  The first day of the week, giving Him the first place.  In the Old Testament, it says, Six days God created the earth, and rested on the seventh day, Saturday. The sabbath, always has been Saturday, But Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath, He's our Sabbath, I rest in HIM !! But I worship Him on the First day of the week.  Anyway, . . . . . perhaps another blog post.
Most of all I want to say a BIG THANK YOU !! for your views and time spent with me. To God be the Glory !! A-MEN.  I hope to continue this new outlet for me. WWW means WorldWideWeb I hope to reach the world with the Gospel of Christ.   Brethren, please pray for me.

God Bless you friend, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and He shall direct your path.


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