Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What could I have done??

What more could I have done ??  My guy did not win, so sad.  But, as I look at this and being the natural analyst that I am, I see all my friends voted for my guy, my family too.  I noticed my city where I live voted for him, and even my state, a red state, went his way.  So I ask, what more could I have done??  I am not rich and  He has money and raised alot of money.  But what more could I have done??  Obviously, the blue northern states was a strong hole for the president, maybe I could have went there and campaign??  But who in those northern (Yankee) states would have listened to me, a white fat southern boy.  What more could I have done??  I really do not have the answer, I could have prayed more, give my time, talent and treasures.  And this is true.  Would it have made a difference??  We will never know, the president won, we have four more years of him.  But I know one thing,  WHAT MORE CAN I DO FOR MY LORD??  Yes I can pray more, I can give him my time, talent and treasures.  And the results will be eternal. 

I believe the writer was correct, and what I heard  a preacher say is true, "WHAT WE DO IN THIS LIFE WILL PASS, BUT WHAT WE DO FOR JESUS WILL LAST !!  And I say A-men to that. :-)

For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life, for with the heart man believes and with the mouth confession is made, for whoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  And I believe that !!

God bless you friend, call on Him today.


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