Friday, August 31, 2012

Tell it, Share it

Last Thursday night, my son's high school won their first football game of the season.  It was against a team that is very good and usually make it our state's playoff.  We were hoping for least a close game and perhaps a miracle win.  Well, . . . WE WON !! 32-30,  a great win for the home team.  We went to bed that night and waited for the next day to tell everybody.  Mine was interesting and that's when God moved on my heart.  I had no one to tell!!  No one knew about the schools, no one heard the game nor the win.  I felt so down and so sad for I had GREAT NEWS to tell and share.  But I had none to tell and share.  It reminded me of the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Many times we feel there's none to tell and none to share it with. The greatest story ever told and the Good news of the Gospel, that can save lives, and many of us feel we have none to share it with.  I had to ask myself, I'm I just as sad when I have no one to share the gospel with.  It really made me think, as a minister and a Christan, a follower of Jesus.  The Apostle Paul said,  in Romans 1:16
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.  He was willing to share it with those had religion and those who had the great mind, the thinkers and intellectual.  And Paul matched the wisdom of God with the wisdom of the world. ( there's really no contest).
I can get really excited about God's good news and I have many times.  But just as I got excited to tell someone about a winning ball game, I should have the desire to tell and share the Great news of Jesus and become sad when I have no one to tell it to. The song in the Red Hymn book says, I Love to tell the story, especially to those who know it best, those who seems to be hungering and thirsting, to hear it like the rest.
The Apostle Paul also said In 1cor15:
For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
I pray that we ALL, will want to share the Gospel of Jesus.

God Bless you neighbor,


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