Sunday, August 26, 2012

Good works a good thing

Last week, I was talking to a friend who is a volunteer diver at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta.  And he was talking about how they work with special needs children and disable veterans, allowing them to scuba drive and swim in the big aquarium.  He mentioned that they were working with Autistic children and how that they really enjoyed it.  The happiness that they enjoyed and the peacefulness of seeing the fishes in the water was really great for them.  Also, he mentioned the doctors now are taking their information and incorporating their findings into the therapy for the children.  This touched my heart as I pondered this great work for the children and for those with special needs.  Here volunteers were trying to do something GOOD, trying to bring joy to a special needs person’s life and now their good deeds will go further to help others. 
How many times have we seen when doing good works or a good deed and then something good comes from it?  In my Christian life, I have heard and I have been taught what joy is. (J-O-Y) It’s when we put Jesus first, Others second, and Yourself last.  This is not exactly popular to secular teachings, but it's what the Lord teaches to us.
Good works and good deeds will not saved you, nor give you entrance into heaven.  You must be saved, you must to be born again.
For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Rom. 10:13
But I do believe when you do good works, that good things will happen to you. God sees when you help others. And I believe that He will help you.  My Lord keeps a record.
God Bless you neighbor,

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