Saturday, August 11, 2012

Pray Boys Pray !!

I had a fond memory last week while driving my pickup truck to pick up my son from school.  I drove by the red brick building that use to be my home church when I was a single young man.  I remember a particular service that I was in.  The young preachers boys would sit on the front role on the left of the sanctuary (right side viewing from the pulpit) We had one of those rejoicing services where there was singing and shouting, then the altars filled up with people making a decisions for Christ or praying (what we called doing business with God).  One of the persons at the altar was praying a very long time and in tears.  We called this type of prayer, trying to get the victory, and he could not get it.  On the middle isle on the middle pew sat two of our older deacons.  One of them was Brother Joe.  He was a happy man and a spiritually lead man.  He knew what was going on  at the altar.  The young man could not get the victory and was in tears.  Brother Joe knew us preacher boys was there on the front role and he turned to us while the singing was going on and shouted "PRAY BOYS PRAY !!"  Well, you would have thought we just got orders from the president.  We jumped out of our pews and got on our knees and called on God.  We prayed!!  The young man got the victory.  We were proud that we were able to respond to the call from Brother Joe.  And we had a great meeting.  Brother Joe is in heaven now, but I can see his face as he called on us to pray.  He normally would be wearing glasses but he took them off and had tears in his eyes when he shouted to us to pray.  It a time and service that I will never forget.

But dear friend, the bible says in Romans 10:13 that whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  I hope you are a christian and I hope you are saved.  If you are not, you can be, just call on the Lord. 

God bless you friend,

Rev. Daniel Samples

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