Monday, August 6, 2012

Striving together Athletes & Christians

Philippians 1:27
 Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;
While watching the Olympics games this week, I kept hearing the term TEAMWORK mentioned time and time again by the sport announcers and analysts.  Whether it was with swimming or the relay race, the team has to work together and with a common goal.  It reminded me of the verse in Phil. 1:27 and Warren Wiersbe commentary, that says the word translated “striving together” gives us our English word athletics.  Paul pictures the church as a team, and he reminds them that it is teamwork that wins victories.  The Olympics games show us how that teamwork wins victories. And it will win a Gold medal.  I like the running relay race and the passing of the batons from one runner to the other, fulfilling their part of the race.  In many ways it’s the same way with the Christians. The generations before us passes the baton to us in our time then we will pass the baton on to the next generation of Christians for them to run their part.  Each one are only responsible for his part of the race.  One writer said that this generation of Christians are only responsible for this generation becoming Christians.  And I really feel that there’s some great truth to that statement.  I am also reminded of the scriptures that say we laborers together with God. I also like the sentence break down, that says, we are laborers, we are laborers together, we are laborers together with GOD !!  But it does take teamwork to serve God.  I am reminded of the story in the gospel of Mark, how it took four men to bring one man to Christ.  Maybe it should be that way today. But that may be another blog.  Anyway, we need to be about the Our Heavenly Father’s business and serving him together and teamwork.   We should be striving together for the faith of the gospel.
God Bless you neighbor, are you saved ?? Call on Him today. See Romans 10:9,10,13.
Rev. Daniel Samples

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