Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Barriers we all have

John 5:1-9

Barriers, we all have them. Some are physical, mental and spiritual. Others are from the past, some are in our present and many are future. So there are many types and in each one of our lives.

A preacher friend of mine told this story to illustrate barriers.  He was walking in his neighborhood one morning and a mean loud little dog started barking and chasing him. My preacher friend stop and noticed the dog stop at the edge of the yard but continued to bark. The owner of the dog came out and said don't worry, the dog's bark is bigger than his bite. My preacher friend said I glad the dog stopped at the edge of the yard.  The dog owner yes, we trained him that way, with a wireless fence and a shock collar. And now we don't even put a collar on the dog, for he knows and has learn to stop at the edge of the yard.  It really became the dogs unseen barrier and he would not proceed further.

And I thought, what about us, what about many of us.  We all have barriers that we put up. Barriers that was put  there because we felt pain or shocked. From family, friends and failures And we know that if we go to the edge or to the limit we will get shocked or hurt. So many time we  ignore it or don't even go that way.

The lamed man in John 5 could not get to healing pool, of which, was probably a traditional story anyway, But the Lord came along and broke down the lame man's barrier to heal and help him.  Upon Jesus' command, upon His word, His call, the lame man arose and was healed. Then that physical barrier was torn down by the Lord.

What barriers are in you way?? Have you put them up because of pain and problems. Are there family barriers, social barriers, maybe financial barriers ??  Any of which can be broke down by the Lord Jesus. For when we hear His call and trust His word, then He can help us. The bible says in Proverbs 3
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding.In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes:

But first, you have to saved, born again.  Call on His name for salvation, become a child of God, by accepting Jesus and He will help you. For with the heart men believe.

May God bless you friend,
(we have heard a joyful sound, Jesus' saves, Jesus' saves)

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