Sunday, September 4, 2016

Words from the fisherman

The other day I needed to hear from the Lord.  So I thought I would hear the bible read from my cell for I have a bible App. I did not want to hear just any random scriptures, though, the word of is quick and powerful, and would have accomplished it's great work.  So I wanted and chose to hear from the fisherman, Apostle Peter, leader of the twelve disciples, disciple of Jesus.

It was amazing to me how after hearing all those familiar scriptures, I groaned an A-men and / or praise the Lord from hearing those good scriptures.  For I have preached and taught from those scriptures, also heard many fellow preachers expound on them too.

But I came to 1 Peter chapter 3 and verse 12 really jumped out at me and I smiled and praised the Lord. For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers:

Well, after I heard the verse, I had to stop, backup and re-listen to it.  Wow, what a great truth and a great comfort to me.  And was not the fact that I did not know this truth, but it was a great blessing to hear it again. PTL!!

Our joy in the Lord will come from our bible knowledge but what a joy it was that day to hear the words from 1st Peter, Chapter 3, verse 12, the words from the fisherman.

But dear friend, I believe the call, conviction and confession.  As you hear the call of salvation from God through the Holy Spirit, then conviction with set in your life, which brings confession unto salvation, this is how to be saved, born again.  For with the heart man believes and with mouth confession with made unto salvation, for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

God bless you, only trust Him, only trust Him now,

Rev. Dan

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