Friday, September 23, 2016

Live, laugh, love

I saw these words on a sign at a restaurant the other day.  No doubt it has some type of philosophy of life or meaning for the country of the restaurant which I was in, but the sign could be seen by all.  Here are a some of thoughts,


But when I saw the sign, I asked God what it could mean for a christian or a message from Him. So my mind went back to the Holy Scriptures, GOD's word. And almost immediately came the answers. 

First, LIVE, Apostle Paul said," For me to live is Christ" He wanted to live and live longer, for Christ.  It was His reason to live and it should be our's too.  Live for God.

Secondly, LAUGH, well, David said," the joy of the Lord is our strength" and again the Apostle Paul said, "I joy and will rejoice" Hard to laugh without joy, so the joy of the Lord makes me laugh. (PTL!!)  It's a well and an eternal fountain flowing forever. A-men!! Laugh with God.

Thirdly, LOVE, God loves us with an everlasting love. God is the source of our love. For God demonstrated, showed forth His Love toward us.  Our love should be threefold. #1. God-ward, vertical looking up and this is where it all starts. Our love toward God as we love Him because He first loved us. #2. Man-ward, horizontally, outward our love should be toward men, For God so loved the world, speaking of mankind.  We may dislike the sin, but we should love the sinner. (Hallelujah !!)  #3. Self- ward, inward or within our heart. Accept the Love of God in our heart.

Yes Lord, there is a Godly connection with live, laugh and love, there is a christian view. And Lord, I thank you for it. Praise the Lord.

But dear friend, it all starts with God's love. For God so love the world, and before you can live and laugh, you must be born again, you must become a child of God. Must be saved. And you do this by calling on the Lord Jesus for salvation and the saving of your, for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

God bless you friend, Live for Him, laugh with Him and Love in Him.


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