Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Our precious faith

Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ: 2Peter 1:1

These verse just keeps speaking to me. I like this part of the verse where it says "to them that have obtained precious faith with us" My mind could see how Peter was talking about his salvation experience and exciting service for the Lord.

He said, "to them" those of you who have accepted the Jesus Christ and accepted Him as Lord and Savior. And that "WE" have something very precious our FAITH in Him, and it's through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ. Wow, there is so much here theologically !!  He is saying, what we received here is of God.  Through the Jesus Christ, which is the test and qualifier for our believing faith, and it happens to be what we got and believe in. I say, Praise the Lord, for I got it that way, I identify with Peter for he was called to believe and serve, so was I. (Amen!!)

Believing in Jesus Christ was not a very popular thing in Peter's day and neither is it in our day and time. But he said I know you received Him and those are the ones that I am writing to.  It touched me as I read and I felt that heart felt expression from the Apostle Peter.

 In his first letter, he declared himself as Peter (petras) that rock and living stone for the Lord, one who anchored the Twelve Disciples and spokesman / leader. But here in his second book, we see a humble human element of Peter saying I was Simon, then I became Peter, then a servant and now an Apostle.

As this scripture spoke to me, does it speak to you?? It is very easy to run right over it and many do in search for more information, but the trained eye and spirit led person can find the great truth here. And you may find truth today, which is the Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ, call on Him today and believe. See Rom.10:9,10,13

God bless you,
Rev. Dan

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