Wednesday, June 29, 2016

May I testify 160929


The Lord has put a smile on my face for He has made glad,
Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased. Psalms 4:7

The Lord has gave strength on for the day for the joy of the Lord is my strength,
The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him
Psalms 28:7

The Lord has put a song in heart for wonderful is His words and works.
And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord. Psalms 40:3

if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.

God Bless you, Have a great day friend,

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Biblical Prophecy

The truth about Biblical Prophecy

I have studied and taught bible prophecy, off and on for years. I even considered doing a prophecy blog. The Lord Jesus taught about the end times, it was big question of the disciples and on their mind.

But I never thought Great Britain nor USA was apart biblical Prophecy and end times, most christian book authors today want to include USA because it scares people not to include them, but truth is they are not mentioned, although post 2000 authors probably do ?? I have found it upsets many , I mean many that USA is not in Biblical Prophecy.  And the reasoning is for another blog someday.

 Either way, For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved, today is the day to get right with God, Today is the day of salvation!!

It still could be the EU will be in end times without Great Britain or it will be another 10 countries?? It's Prophecy and has happened yet. But I'm looking and will keep looking .

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Our precious faith

Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ: 2Peter 1:1

These verse just keeps speaking to me. I like this part of the verse where it says "to them that have obtained precious faith with us" My mind could see how Peter was talking about his salvation experience and exciting service for the Lord.

He said, "to them" those of you who have accepted the Jesus Christ and accepted Him as Lord and Savior. And that "WE" have something very precious our FAITH in Him, and it's through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ. Wow, there is so much here theologically !!  He is saying, what we received here is of God.  Through the Jesus Christ, which is the test and qualifier for our believing faith, and it happens to be what we got and believe in. I say, Praise the Lord, for I got it that way, I identify with Peter for he was called to believe and serve, so was I. (Amen!!)

Believing in Jesus Christ was not a very popular thing in Peter's day and neither is it in our day and time. But he said I know you received Him and those are the ones that I am writing to.  It touched me as I read and I felt that heart felt expression from the Apostle Peter.

 In his first letter, he declared himself as Peter (petras) that rock and living stone for the Lord, one who anchored the Twelve Disciples and spokesman / leader. But here in his second book, we see a humble human element of Peter saying I was Simon, then I became Peter, then a servant and now an Apostle.

As this scripture spoke to me, does it speak to you?? It is very easy to run right over it and many do in search for more information, but the trained eye and spirit led person can find the great truth here. And you may find truth today, which is the Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ, call on Him today and believe. See Rom.10:9,10,13

God bless you,
Rev. Dan

Friday, June 17, 2016

Apostle Peter and you

Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ. 2Pet.1:1

I read this verse this week, actually listened to it being read to me from my bible App on my cell phone.  But the verse jump out at me and touch my heart and mind.

It’s almost like a review of the Apostle Peter’s life. First, the bible says here, “Simon”. My mind’s vision went back to the apostle’s life before he met Christ. Simon the fisherman, he was that common man with a common trade, all of a man and all so human.  Yet the Good Lord chose Simon.  (He could choose you too)

Second, “Peter” from the Greek word “Petras” which means stone or pebble, the Lord would need a stone or rock to cornerstone his disciples, the twelve’s leader and many time spokesman was Peter. He would prove to be a good one, although he was up and down, he’s a great type of a Christian and what a Christian could be for the Lord.

Thirdly, “a servant” for it was that part of his life when he began to follow Christ after the call from the Lord; Jesus said I will make you fishers of men, literally “catchers of men”. At the time when Simon Peter started following the Lord in service and in studying for the Lord would teach these men His words, His ways and His wisdom. Yes a great time of Peter’s life. I cannot fail to mentioned servant as meaning  “bond- slave or bond servant ” as it is almost a given idea  here and has its place, but for me, he became that student servant, learning and leaning on the Lord. (well, much could be said here)

Then fourthly, “an apostle of Jesus Christ”, the word apostle means one sent with a message. But Peter had a mission and a mandate too. In the Book of Acts, Dr. Luke tells of the events of disciple, now apostle Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, as his source and power, going out and preaching on the Day of Pentecost, healing and helping those on this path, Acts 1-11 speaks of Peter and 12- 28 speaks of the apostle Paul.

Peter would later write First and Second Peter and these writing we find in the bible today. 

And so that first statement in 2 Peter 1:1 serves as a short outline of the Apostle Peter’s life, as least, that’s what came to my heart and mind.  How does God’s word touch you?? How does it move you??

As Jesus called Simon Peter, a common man with a common plan, and HE, Jesus is calling you today.  Will answer the call of salvation ?? What will you say ?? How will you answer??

The bible says for whosoever shall call in the name of the Lord shall be saved, for with the heart, man believes and with mouth confession is made to others, you MUST be born again!!

God Bless you friend, have a great day!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Path we took

Hello All,

Being on the social media, meaning Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, I have noticed several friends and family member celebrating Wedding Anniversaries.  Many of us got married in the 1980s. And I always think back how many of us took different paths.  College and marriage changed many of us and put us on many different paths. Not to mentioned how our children 's birth and parenthood really changed many of us.

Well, in the early 1980s, I had a good job in the soon to be computer field. I got a job with a Color terminal manufacturer, as my experience in high school elective electronics class, Where we worked on actual color TV sets, which provided me a way to work with this company. The last year of High school, my senior year, I started working with them and never looked back. All I needed  was a electronics degree and well the rest would be history, but GOD stepped in.  Turned my mind and heart for preaching and well, as many of you know the rest of the story.  (if you have followed my blog)

I would answer the call from God to preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus. I was in a tech school and I went for three quarters, but then I enrolled into Bible college. It was night school, evening classes, a full load, for me it was six classes a week. I worked a 40 hour week job, was very busy in my church from bus ministry, convalescent home, and radio work. I sung in two choirs, adult and youth.  A young guy could not be more busier.  (It was the best days of my life!!)

In the late 1980s, I got married and became pastor of my first church. I would spend the 1990s as church pastor, working with my bible college friends, preachers and missionaries. (just more great times !!) And don't forget the radio work too.

The 2000s came, the new millennium, and for the last 16 years, I was a Choir leader, congregations song leader, more convalescent home ministry, Sunday school teacher and now the blogging ministry. Of which has been a very exciting part if my life to fill in the void.  Ministering to many in the United States and many countries around the world. I am pleased with the Lord!!

So when I am not blogging, I am usually into our families' hobbyTRAINS!! We do the model trains and train photography. Again it's a family hobby that is currently being driven by our son as he really keeps us going.  My wife followed me well during our ministries years, she was and is my right arm, I love my wife very much!!

So the path we took was led of the Lord and we will continue to follow Him as best we can, but what about you friend??  What path are you on today??

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, if you trust and acknowledge Him, he shall direct you path.  Why don't you trust in Him today.  The song said only trust him, only trust him now.  For whosoever shall call in the name of the Lord shall be saved. Call in Him today and let Him direct your path.

God Bless you,
Rev. Dan