Monday, October 12, 2015

The Rebuttal

The Rebuttal

Well, there is no doubt that I am a “media preacher” as I use the given “media” to promote the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ also God’s words and ways.  I have in the past used the media of radio and now I am using “social media”, Facebook , Twitter and this blog.  Well, I just had my first rebuttal on social media with Twitter.  It was very mild, as I got a comment for wishing everybody a Happy Columbus Day and to call on God today.  I was told “Thank you for showing the world your casual racism and religious fanaticism.  Well, looking on the bright side this, I saw a couple of good things.

#1  the world saw my comment / message.  I think that’s a good thing.  That’s a motivational factor and it fulfills the great commission. See Mark 16:15   #2  I am showing the world that I am a religious fan.  The actual word was fanaticism, but I am a Jesus Fan, and that’s ok.   I’m for God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, the three in one.  ( Some are sports fans, some exercise fans, ... well you see where I am going . . . . )

The third point “casual racism” is so illogical, I guess, I do not know enough of the world’s wisdom to understand this one, unless it had to do something with Columbus being the first white man to discover America or that it’s just inferred that all religious  people have  “casual racism”  Hmm…

Anyway, two out three is not bad and it’s was kindly on the good side.  Recognizing the promotion of my message to the entire world and being a Jesus fan, isn’t too bad.  But the racism is a little much.  ???

The bible says to endure hardness as a good solider of the Lord and I still say it was very mild.  Unfortunately, this may happen more often and be very harder in these latter days that we live in. We as believers need to pray for the needed grace of God in our lives. For God will help you and God will help us.

Yes, God will help you, but YOU need to call on Him today. Be saved by grace and then you will become a child of God.  For by grace are you saved and not of yourself, it is the gift of God!!

God bless you, God loves you, Amen!!


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