Friday, October 9, 2015

The Fountain of the Father

The Fountain of the Father

A true story, I was going to work one morning in my F150 pickup truck.  As usual, I dropped off my son at his work and started to my place of employment.  It was that kind of morning were I needed some inspiration.  A couple of days earlier, I had a gospel quartet CD in the radio, as I like to do that on Wednesday, ( I guess it’s an old habit from years ago) where Wednesday night was church night, mid-week service and prayer meeting.  But I had my son to put in the gospel CD that day.  The gospel quartet sung this song “The Fountain of the Father” and there by myself in my Ford pickup truck, God spoke to my Heart and mind.

One the great themes of the bible or lesson that is taught, is if one is thirsty, he can have a drink of water.  It’s full and free.  It’s very satisfying when you are in need of water or thirsty.  God provided water from the rock in the Old Testament in Exodus and Jesus had water from the well in John 4 and promised “a well of water springing up unto eternal life” 

But the Fountain of the Father is there today and still flowing spiritually.  Although, as it’s very interesting, it has been said the water from the rock is still flowing today in Israel and the same well is still producing water. Perhaps, its God way of sending the literal and physical message to the world and for ages to come.

In the bible, moving water is a spiritual type of the Holy Spirit and still water is a spiritual type of the word of God (scriptures).  And yet you need both for salvation service of the Lord.  As you read or hear the word of God, then the spirit of God moves on you.  If you are lost, in need of salvation of the Lord or as you read scriptures and the spirit moves you to serve for God.  You will need both.

So come to this fountain, the Fountain of the Heavenly Father.  The Spirit says come and the bride of Christ, which are the believers in Christ says “come” come to the fountain which is full and free, PTL!!
Let the waters of the Fountain fill your life and make you whole!!
God Bless you friend,

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