Friday, February 20, 2015

Prayer - yes, no, wait

Prayer : Yes, no and wait

“Ask, and you will be given what you ask for. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened. For everyone who asks, receives. Anyone who seeks, finds. If only you will knock, the door will open. 

The other day my family met me for supper at a BBQ restaurant  as our power to our house was off due the snow and ice.   The power had went off around mid night the night before. So we could not use our kitchen so we decided to go out.  Upon our return home we could see some parts of our neighborhood was restored with power and that was very encouraging to us. Then as we went round the curve to our home I heard my mother in law say, "Please Lord, help our house to have the power turned ON". Well, it wasn't on and we had to spend a couple hours in our cold house without the power. 

 Now for me, I got my pocket radio and I listen to UGA basketball game. My wife went right to sleep on the couch, but my son went bonkers, (crazy) for on a normal night, he multitasks on the TV, on his laptop, on his tablet and cell phone. WOW !! That just gives me a headache. :-)

But we had no power and we had a dark house just he just had his cell phone and my pocket radio. So we decided to move from the living room to our bed room, where we would at least warm up our bed by laying on top of it.  So it was about 8:30pm and the sun was down and dark.  My son crashed on his bed and we laid on our bed and my wife crashed, she went to sleep very fast and I listened to the ball game on my pocket radio and finally went to sleep also.  About a couple of hours later, our power came on !!  The lights in the hallway and living room came on. The TV set came on and most of all the furnace came on.  All that activity woke me up and I looked at my clock on my cell phone and it was 12 minutes to 11pm.  It was then, that God spoke to my heart and mind.

My mother in law prayed a prayer earlier that night, "Lord help us to have power" And it was a Yes, no and wait answer.  We have to realize first, God did answer that prayer. It wasn't immediately, it wasn't a  no, it was a "wait"  You see, many think if it isn't an immediate answer, it means God said no.  But in this case He said just wait and a two hours later He answered our prayer again.  This great thought could improve your prayer life and give you great understanding about God.  And it's simple, He answers on His time and His way.  And I am OK with that, but are you ??

Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart (& mind) and lean not on your own understanding for He shall direct your path.  He'll lead you as a kind compassionate shepherd and love you as one of His own child.  Praise the lord !!  If you are not saved, call on Him today, for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved, for the heart man believes and with mouth confession is made.

So for answering prayer with GOD, it could be a YES, NO or WAIT from God.  But with salvation, it's instant, and in your heart.

God Bless you friend, Have a Great day,



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