Tuesday, March 17, 2015

What is your divine service ??

Hebrews 9:1
Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary. (of this world)

Of course, here the scriptures are talking about the Holy Place in the Tabernacle, that was in the wilderness for Israel.  God wanted to Tabernacle, dwell among them as much as He could while in his existing form.  But the Holy Place, as we study it,   had three pieces of furniture, that speaks of the function and service of the High Priest.  And yet we can learn from this to perform a service for God.

In the Holy Place there was a lamp stand made of gold.  It made the light in the holy place and shed light on itself.  You could see the beauty of the lamp stand from the light. Of course, Jesus is our light and He sheds light on himself of us to see, and  the worker for the Lord.  The job was to keep the wicks trim and the light shining bright to allow one to do a service.  The lamp stand had to be shining bright. The place of Light.

Then there was the table of show bread. Twelve loaves, one for each tribe of Israel. Jesus was that bread that came down from heaven. They made sure the bread was warm and fresh. We need to Jesus warm and fresh to us, as eat the bread literally fellowship with he bread. The table of Show bread to fellowship with Him. The place of Fellowship.

And then there was the brazen altar of incense.   The scent that would go up to God. Much like our prayers as they will go up to Him. Yet prayer is that service. Time spent in prayer is time well spent. We have not, because we ask not.  And many times we need to make our request known. God said in Jemimah, Call upon me and I will show you great and might things, that thou knowest not.  The place of prayer.

 All of the furniture needed the light from the light from the Lamp stand. It shed light on all, as Jesus sheds light on all too. But yet, we see three types of Divine Service here for you.  Light, fellowship and prayer. And a very important fact. The fire to light the lamp had to come from God.  You see, it was after fire came down from heaven to consume the sacrifice is where they would get the fire to light the candlestick lamp stand.  It's got to come from God and only God, Your service has to come from God, your light, fellowship and prayer has to come from God, inspired from God !!

And so does your salvation, it comes from God, not of works, lest any man should boast. For by grace are you saved !! (God's- Riches - At - Christ's - Expense )  It God's unmerited love and undeserved favor, or unmerited favor and undeserved love from God.   Hallelujah !!!

God Bless you friend, have a great day and call on Him.


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