Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The yield sign

The Yield Sign

I guess, the most ignored traffic sign is the yield sign.  One day I was turning off the main highway and driving in the deceleration lane (slow down lane) and there was a car turning left and I yielded to him, as to allow him to turn safely while waited. Well, he did not understand my courteous, cautious and common sense way. So we just sat there as I finally hand motion him on.  Then at the same turn, I was turning left and the young driver did not yield, he just made the right hand turn, I was courteous, cautious and used common sense, and allowed him to turn then I waited for him to clear the turn.  Then God started to speak to my heart and mind.

In our humanistic society, many are taught go fast, don't let things get ahead of you and don't give in or yield, always take advantage of your situation. Thus, we get many people in life who go-go-go, as they try to get ahead. And they apply this concept in their life and run over people and things. 

In a version of the bible (KJV) the bible teaches us to yield to the spirit. As we yield He fills.  But the three ways to yield spiritually in our life.  First we should yield to the scriptures, the word of God.  For the word of God is like a mirror, a looking glass, as we read the bible it shows how we need to walk and talk. We read the bible then make adjustments to our lives based upon the word of God,

Secondly, we need to yield to the spirit, The holy Spirit. After we are saved and become a child of God we have the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, comes into our lives to teaches and directs us. See john chap. 16 and Romans 8.  Warning, the Holy Spirit can be quench, like putting out a fire, do not yield to the worldly way.

Thirdly, we need to yield to our Savior. Either in salvation, to be saved or in service for Him, to serve Him,  yielding to His words and ways. As we yield to Him, giving Him the right of way, then we will stand for Him and develop a strategy for Him against worldly ways. The three that are against us are the world, the flesh and the devil.

So in driving we should obey the yield signs and our spiritual walk, we need to yield to the scriptures, the Holy Spirit and the Savior. His ways should be our ways. BUT, as I said earlier, you must yield to the Spirit for salvation, to be saved. This always the first step to be a child of God.  For whosoever call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

God Bless you friend and yield to Him.

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