Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Keep your Helmet on

The Helmet of Salvation
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Eph 6:16-17

The other day, I watched a rerun of a Classic College Football game.  Being from the south, naturally I'm an SEC fan and more closer a UGA fan. I have been since the 1980s. There was a play where a football player's helmet came off during a tackle or in the heat of the moment during the play, and the new rule is the player has to sit out for one play after that happens.  He has to go to his sideline with his team and put his helmet back on and then re-enter the game.  As announcer or play by play man said that, and then God spoke to my heart.

Many times and during the heat of the battle in life, our helmet of salvation may come off.  For sure, I am NOT talking about loosing your salvation, that's another blog post someday, but forgetting about what our salvation experience is all about with the Lord. For it gives a hope, home and happiness. 

The shock preachers, those who twist a basic bible truth and announce to a congregation, will say knowing that you are saved and on your way to heaven will not help you in most of life tragedies.  But I say it does help and will help you, as your salvation experience is the very foundation for your christian life.  It's something that needs to be repeated, rehearsed and reminded to other Christians and non Christians as well. 

I was taught this by my former pastor at my home church when I was younger.  He would say, I was saved in 1949 and then gave the name of the church the city and state.  I will never forget it and of course my congregation remembered my salvation date and place in the church where I was pastor, as I repeated and rehearsed to them. 

Salvation means deliverance, so in the Old Testament, God told Moses to remind the children of Israel of their great deliverance from Pharaoh and the land of Egypt. God did a great miracle for them and it would the basis for their journey in the wilderness. Similar we need the same today in our life. God did a great thing for us when He saved us, for salvation is a great spiritual blessing and we need to remember this.

So when your helmet salvation comes off, go to your sidelines with your people, Christians or the church and put it back on then re-enter the game of life. It may only be for a short while even maybe one play, but you can get back in.  Just knowing you are saved (from Hell) and a child of God with a home in heavenly, can get you through many things we deal with in life.

But dear friend, you must be saved, born again, accept Jesus Christ, God's son into your life. For whosoever shall call in the name of the Lord shall be saved, born again. For God so love the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believed in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life, For God sent not His son to condemn the world, but the world through Him might be saved. see John 3:16-17

God Bless you, have a great day,

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