Monday, July 7, 2014

A Happy 4th weekend

Hello again everybody,

I had a very good 4th of July weekend with Family, friends and keeping the faith.  On July 3rd we went to the local fairgrounds  and enjoyed food and fireworks as we had a picnic and watched the fireworks.

  On 4th we had a family cookout with chicken and hotdogs.

On the 5th we went Rail Fanning (train watching) and had BBQ sandwiches with Cherry Coke. And we watched / photograph /video the big freight trains coming in & of Atlanta, GA and  headed to either Birmingham, AL. or Chattanooga, TN

Then on Sunday we visited my wife's home church and honored a man for his 40 years of Missions work
Food, fun and fellowship with Believers in Christ.
Here's picture of me and my two heroes of world missions, Brother Ed Pardon and Brother Johnny Daniels.
I have to says "Thank you Lord" for your blessings on me and my family !!  God is so good, truly He's so good to me !!

Dear friend there's a song that says " I rejoice in the Lord"  Can you say that today ?? There are many pains and problems in this Life and you need the Good Lord to help you.  The great news is He can help you. The Lord is just a prayer away. And right where you are now, in the quietness of you room, office or place, you can call on Him.  The Bible says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you can be saved.  For with the heart man believes unto salvation, for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.  See Romans 10:9-13

God Bless you Friend, have a great day !!

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