Friday, June 20, 2014

The prayer of favor

Act 2:47
Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.
Many years ago, I started a personal prayer time praying for my wife and son. Both had things going on where they needed the good Lord's help.  My wife's had become stressed from her job and my son had many things going on his life educationally and socially.   For my son, being a young teenager at that time was stressful too.  My job wasn't the best situation, but doable.  We needed prayer, we needed God !!
So after my son and wife were gone for the day, I got alone with God and prayed.  Naturally, I had been talking to my Pastor, and he suggested that I pray for God's favor for my son.  And so, I did.   The prayer went something like this, one part was from the prayer of Jabez, I prayer "Oh that would bless Caleb indeed, enlarge his coast, may you hand be upon him and keep him from evil that he may not be grieved, then I added, give him FAVOR with his teachers, favor with his fellow students and lead the right friends into his life"   And did you KNOW that later, he had many friends and made STAR student.  Well PTL !!

In a similar way, the same happened with my wife.  I prayed," Oh that thou would best her indeed, enlarge her coast, may your hand be upon her  and keep her from evil that she may not be grieved. Give her FAVOR with her bosses, favor with her fellow workers and lead the right friends into her life,  well after the prayer many times, she got employee of the year. Praise His dear name !!

Now I am shy, in asking & receiving, sometimes the best person to pray for yourself is YOU.  Well, it worked for my son and my wife, so why not??  I PRAYED, "Lord, oh that thou would bless me indeed,enlarge my coast, may your hand be upon me, keep me from evil that I may not be grieved, Give me FAVOR with my bosses, favor with my fellow workers and lead the right friends into my life"  Well, I got employee of the month. Hallelujah, to his name !!
All I know is that it worked for us. Maybe it can work for you. Never under estimate the power of prayer !! 
Prayer changes things !!  It's an amazing thing but we often forget. God help us.
But dear friend with prayer, you must call upon HIM, He wants to hear the prayer of saving faith FIRST !!
For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved !!

May God Bless you, have a great day, just a great day !!


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