Wednesday, February 12, 2014

White as SNOW

Isaiah 1:18
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
While I was in Bible College, I took a course studying the Greek language.  (In a humorus way, I heard a preacher say that he knew a little Greek, and  . . . he was about four foot high :-)   . . . ha ha right??  Anyway, this course that was required for my Master's degree.  There are many reasons for studying the original language and I appreciate what I learned and it has helped me and it made God's word very enjoyable to me.  I love looking up the original Greek word in a verse and finding the English meaning.  Everybody may not have a chance to do this, but it will help you weed out the good and bad translations that are out there for money gain and rather than to help you understand the bible,  but that's another blog subject someday.  :-)
It was in this class where I remembered this thought and verse, although , it's in the Hebrew language being the Old Testament, the same applies.  Sometimes, as a preacher, teacher and student of the bible, you have to translate words for understanding.  Here in Isaiah 1:18, it mentions the word "snow" or "white as snow".  There are some in the world who have never seen snow or even know what it is, and you would need to translate white as snow as maybe white as ivory, or the white elephant's tusk, to understand that verse of scripture.
Well, it has snowed here in North Georgia this week and I thought about the scriptures in Isaiah 1:18. How our sins can be made "white as snow"  and as I look out my window and see the beauty of the clean and white snow, I have a word picture and greater understanding of how clean God has washed away our sins.  In His eyes, He sees us, through the sacrificial shed blood of Jesus, it has made us white as snow, and we are declared righteous without sin as we stand before God. (and that's big stuff  with God) and it should be big to you. Hebrews 9 tells 27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. And friend are you ready ??  Are you ready to stand before God at the judgment??  
Well you can be ready.  God has provided a way, THE WAY !!  Jesus said in John 14, I am the way, the truth and the life. No man can come to the Father (the heavenly father) but through Him, Jesus.
So the natural snow we see reminds us of the spiritual truth, that God can wash us as white as snow.
God Bless you Friend,
(regenerated, redeemed, righteous)

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